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view src/core.c/Map.pm6 @ 0:c341f82e7ad7 default tip
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author | Shinji KONO <> |
date | Thu, 26 Dec 2019 16:50:27 +0900 |
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my class X::Hash::Store::OddNumber { ... } my class Map does Iterable does Associative { # declared in BOOTSTRAP # my class Map is Iterable is Cool # has Mu $!storage; # Calling for the arguments case ensures that the right # descriptor will be added for typed hashes. multi method new(Map: --> Map:D) { nqp::create(self) } multi method new(Map: *@args --> Map:D) {, :INITIALIZE) } multi method Map(Map:) { self } multi method Hash(Map:U:) { Hash } multi method Hash(Map:D: --> Hash:D) { if nqp::iterator($!storage) -> \iter { my \hash := nqp::create(Hash); my \storage := nqp::bindattr(hash,Map,'$!storage',nqp::hash); my \descriptor := BEGIN nqp::getcurhllsym('default_cont_spec'); nqp::while( iter, nqp::bindkey( storage, nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iter)), nqp::p6scalarwithvalue( descriptor, nqp::decont(nqp::iterval(iter))) ) ); hash } else { nqp::create(Hash) } } multi method Bool(Map:D: --> Bool:D) { nqp::hllbool(nqp::elems($!storage)); } method elems(Map:D: --> Int:D) { nqp::p6box_i(nqp::elems($!storage)); } multi method Int(Map:D: --> Int:D) { self.elems } multi method Numeric(Map:D: --> Int:D) { self.elems } multi method Str(Map:D: --> Str:D) { self.sort.join("\n") } method IterationBuffer(--> IterationBuffer:D) { nqp::stmts( (my \buffer := nqp::create(IterationBuffer)), nqp::if( nqp::elems($!storage), nqp::stmts( (my \iterator := nqp::iterator($!storage)), nqp::setelems(buffer,nqp::elems($!storage)), (my int $i = -1), nqp::while( iterator, nqp::bindpos(buffer,($i = nqp::add_i($i,1)), nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iterator)), nqp::iterval(iterator) ) ) ) ) ), buffer ) } method List(--> List:D) { self.IterationBuffer.List } multi method head(Map:D:) { nqp::if( nqp::elems($!storage), nqp::iterkey_s( nqp::shift(my \iterator := nqp::iterator($!storage)) ), nqp::iterval(iterator) ), Nil ) } # Produce a native str array with all the keys method !keys-as-str() { my $keys := nqp::list_s; nqp::if( ($!storage && my \iter := nqp::iterator($!storage)), nqp::while( iter, nqp::push_s($keys,nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iter))) ) ); $keys } # Iterator over a native string array holding the keys and producing # Pairs. my class Iterate-keys does Iterator { has $!map; has $!iter; method new(Mu \map, Mu \keys) { nqp::p6bindattrinvres( nqp::p6bindattrinvres( nqp::create(self), self, '$!map',nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage') ), self, '$!iter', nqp::iterator(keys) ) } method pull-one() { nqp::if( $!iter, nqp::stmts( (my \key := nqp::shift($!iter)),,nqp::atkey($!map,key)) ), IterationEnd ) } method push-all($target --> IterationEnd) { my \map := $!map; my \iter := $!iter; nqp::while( iter, nqp::stmts( (my \key := nqp::shift(iter)), $target.push(,nqp::atkey(map,key))) ) ) } } multi method sort(Map:D: --> Seq:D) {,Rakudo::Sorting.MERGESORT-str(self!keys-as-str)) ) } multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Any $topic --> Bool:D) { self.EXISTS-KEY($topic.any); } multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Cool:D $topic --> Bool:D) { self.EXISTS-KEY($topic); } multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Positional $topic --> Bool:D) { self.EXISTS-KEY($topic.any); } multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Regex $topic --> Bool:D) { so self.keys.any.match($topic); } multi method ACCEPTS(Map:D: Map:D \m --> Bool:D) { try {self eqv m} // False; } multi method EXISTS-KEY(Map:D: Str:D \key --> Bool:D) { nqp::hllbool(nqp::existskey($!storage,key)) } multi method EXISTS-KEY(Map:D: \key --> Bool:D) { nqp::hllbool(nqp::existskey($!storage,key.Str)) } multi method gist(Map:D: --> Str:D) { self.^name ~ '.new((' ~ self.sort.head(100).map(*.gist).join(', ') ~ (', ...' if self.elems > 100) ~ '))' } multi method perl(Map:D \SELF: --> Str:D) { my $p = self.^name ~ '.new((' ~{.perl}).join(',') ~ '))'; nqp::iscont(SELF) ?? '$(' ~ $p ~ ')' !! $p } my class Iterate does Rakudo::Iterator::Mappy { method pull-one() { nqp::if( $!iter, nqp::stmts( nqp::shift($!iter),$!iter), nqp::iterval($!iter)) ), IterationEnd ) } method push-all(\target --> IterationEnd) { nqp::while( $!iter, nqp::stmts( # doesn't sink nqp::shift($!iter), target.push($!iter), nqp::iterval($!iter))) ) ) } } method iterator(Map:D: --> Iterator:D) { } method list(Map:D: --> List:D) { self.List } multi method pairs(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } multi method keys(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } multi method values(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } my class KV does Rakudo::Iterator::Mappy-kv-from-pairs { method pull-one() is raw { nqp::if( $!on, nqp::stmts( ($!on= 0), nqp::iterval($!iter) ), nqp::if( $!iter, nqp::stmts( ($!on= 1), nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift($!iter)) ), IterationEnd ) ) } method push-all(\target --> IterationEnd) { nqp::while( # doesn't sink $!iter, nqp::stmts( target.push(nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift($!iter))), target.push(nqp::iterval($!iter)) ) ) } } multi method kv(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } my class AntiPairs does Rakudo::Iterator::Mappy { method pull-one() { nqp::if( $!iter, nqp::stmts( nqp::shift($!iter), nqp::iterval($!iter), nqp::iterkey_s($!iter) ) ), IterationEnd ); } method push-all(\target --> IterationEnd) { nqp::while( $!iter, nqp::stmts( # doesn't sink nqp::shift($!iter), target.push( nqp::iterval($!iter), nqp::iterkey_s($!iter) )) ) ) } } multi method antipairs(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } multi method invert(Map:D: --> Seq:D) { } multi method AT-KEY(Map:D: Str:D \key) is raw { nqp::ifnull(nqp::atkey($!storage,nqp::unbox_s(key)),Nil) } multi method AT-KEY(Map:D: \key) is raw { nqp::ifnull(nqp::atkey($!storage,nqp::unbox_s(key.Str)),Nil) } multi method ASSIGN-KEY(Map:D: \key, Mu \new) { nqp::isnull(my \old := nqp::atkey($!storage,key.Str)) ?? "Cannot add key '{key}' to an immutable {self.^name}" !! nqp::iscont(old) ?? (old = new) !! "Cannot change key '{key}' in an immutable {self.^name}" } # Directly copy from the other Map's internals. method !STORE_MAP_FROM_MAP_DECONT(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::stmts( (my \iter := nqp::iterator(other)), nqp::while( iter, nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iter)), nqp::decont(nqp::iterval(iter)) ) ) ) ); self } method !STORE_MAP_FROM_MAP(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::stmts( (my \iter := nqp::iterator(other)), nqp::while( iter, nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iter)), nqp::iterval(iter) ) ) ) ); self } # Directly copy from the Object Hash's internals, but pay respect to the # fact that we're only interested in the values (which contain a Pair with # the object key and a value that we need to decontainerize. method !STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH_DECONT(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::stmts( (my \iter := nqp::iterator(other)), nqp::while( iter, nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::getattr( (my Mu \pair := nqp::iterval(nqp::shift(iter))), Pair, '$!key' ).Str, nqp::decont(nqp::getattr(pair,Pair,'$!value')) ) ) ) ); self } method !STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::stmts( (my \iter := nqp::iterator(other)), nqp::while( iter, nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::getattr( (my Mu \pair := nqp::iterval(nqp::shift(iter))), Pair, '$!key' ).Str, nqp::getattr(pair,Pair,'$!value') ) ) ) ); self } # Copy the contents of a Mappy thing that's not in a container. method !STORE_MAP_DECONT(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.keyof,Str(Any)), # is it not an Object Hash? self!STORE_MAP_FROM_MAP_DECONT(map), self!STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH_DECONT(map) ) } method !STORE_MAP(\map --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.keyof,Str(Any)), # is it not an Object Hash? self!STORE_MAP_FROM_MAP(map), self!STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH(map) ) } # Store the contents of an iterator into the Map method !STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR_DECONT(\iter --> Map:D) is raw { nqp::stmts( nqp::until( nqp::eqaddr((my Mu $x := iter.pull-one),IterationEnd), nqp::if( nqp::istype($x,Pair), nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::getattr(nqp::decont($x),Pair,'$!key').Str, nqp::decont(nqp::getattr(nqp::decont($x),Pair,'$!value')) ), nqp::if( (nqp::istype($x,Map) && nqp::not_i(nqp::iscont($x))), self!STORE_MAP_DECONT($x), nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr((my Mu $y := iter.pull-one),IterationEnd), nqp::if( nqp::istype($x,Failure), $x.throw, found => self.elems * 2 + 1, last => $x ).throw ), nqp::bindkey($!storage,$x.Str,nqp::decont($y)) ) ) ) ), self ) } method !STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR(\iter --> Map:D) is raw { nqp::stmts( nqp::until( nqp::eqaddr((my Mu $x := iter.pull-one),IterationEnd), nqp::if( nqp::istype($x,Pair), nqp::bindkey( $!storage, nqp::getattr(nqp::decont($x),Pair,'$!key').Str, nqp::getattr(nqp::decont($x),Pair,'$!value') ), nqp::if( (nqp::istype($x,Map) && nqp::not_i(nqp::iscont($x))), self!STORE_MAP($x), nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr((my Mu $y := iter.pull-one),IterationEnd), nqp::if( nqp::istype($x,Failure), $x.throw, found => self.elems * 2 + 1, last => $x ).throw ), nqp::bindkey($!storage,$x.Str,$y) ) ) ) ), self ) } proto method STORE(Map:D: |) {*} multi method STORE(Map:D: Map:D \map, :$INITIALIZE!, :$DECONT! --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.keyof,Str(Any)), # is it not an Object Hash? nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.WHAT,Map), nqp::p6bindattrinvres(self,Map,'$!storage',other), self.STORE(map.iterator, :INITIALIZE, :DECONT) ), self # nothing to do ), self!STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH_DECONT(map) ) } multi method STORE(Map:D: Map:D \map, :$INITIALIZE! --> Map:D) { nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.keyof,Str(Any)), # is it not an Object Hash? nqp::if( nqp::elems(my \other := nqp::getattr(map,Map,'$!storage')), nqp::if( nqp::eqaddr(map.WHAT,Map), nqp::p6bindattrinvres(self,Map,'$!storage',other), nqp::p6bindattrinvres(self,Map,'$!storage',nqp::clone(other)) ), self # nothing to do ), self!STORE_MAP_FROM_OBJECT_HASH(map) ) } multi method STORE(Map:D: Iterator:D \iter, :$INITIALIZE!, :$DECONT! --> Map:D) { self!STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR_DECONT(iter) } multi method STORE(Map:D: Iterator:D \iter, :$INITIALIZE! --> Map:D) { self!STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR(iter) } multi method STORE(Map:D: \to_store, :$INITIALIZE!, :$DECONT! --> Map:D) { self!STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR_DECONT(to_store.iterator) } multi method STORE(Map:D: \to_store, :$INITIALIZE! --> Map:D) { self!STORE_MAP_FROM_ITERATOR(to_store.iterator) } multi method STORE(Map:D: \keys, \values, :$INITIALIZE! --> Map:D) { my \iterkeys := keys.iterator; my \itervalues := values.iterator; my \storage := $!storage := nqp::hash; nqp::until( nqp::eqaddr((my \key := iterkeys.pull-one),IterationEnd), nqp::bindkey( storage, nqp::if(nqp::istype(key,Str),key,key.Str), itervalues.pull-one ) ); self } multi method STORE(Map:D: |) { => self).throw } method Capture(Map:D:) { nqp::p6bindattrinvres(nqp::create(Capture),Capture,'%!hash',$!storage) } method FLATTENABLE_LIST() { nqp::list() } method FLATTENABLE_HASH() { $!storage } method fmt(Map: Cool $format = "%s\t\%s", $sep = "\n" --> Str:D) { nqp::iseq_i(nqp::sprintfdirectives( nqp::unbox_s($format.Stringy)),1) ?? self.keys.fmt($format, $sep) !! self.pairs.fmt($format, $sep) } method hash() { self } method clone(Map:D: --> Map:D) is raw { self } multi method roll(Map:D:) { nqp::if( $!storage && nqp::elems($!storage), nqp::stmts( (my int $i = nqp::add_i(nqp::floor_n(nqp::rand_n(nqp::elems($!storage))),1)), (my \iter := nqp::iterator($!storage)), nqp::while( nqp::shift(iter) && ($i = nqp::sub_i($i,1)), nqp::null ),,nqp::iterval(iter)) ), Nil ) } multi method roll(Map:D: Callable:D $calculate) { self.roll( $calculate(self.elems) ) } multi method roll(Map:D: Whatever $) { self.roll(Inf) } my class RollN does Iterator { has $!storage; has $!keys; has $!pairs; has $!count; method !SET-SELF(\hash,\count) { nqp::stmts( ($!storage := nqp::getattr(hash,Map,'$!storage')), ($!count = count), (my int $i = nqp::elems($!storage)), (my \iter := nqp::iterator($!storage)), ($!keys := nqp::setelems(nqp::list_s,$i)), ($!pairs := nqp::setelems(nqp::list,$i)), nqp::while( nqp::isge_i(($i = nqp::sub_i($i,1)),0), nqp::bindpos_s($!keys,$i, nqp::iterkey_s(nqp::shift(iter))) ), self ) } method new(\h,\c) { nqp::create(self)!SET-SELF(h,c) } method pull-one() { nqp::if( $!count, nqp::stmts( --$!count, # must be HLL to handle Inf nqp::ifnull( nqp::atpos( $!pairs, (my int $i = nqp::floor_n(nqp::rand_n(nqp::elems($!keys)))) ), nqp::bindpos($!pairs,$i, nqp::atpos_s($!keys,$i), nqp::atkey($!storage,nqp::atpos_s($!keys,$i)) ) ) ) ), IterationEnd ) } method is-lazy() { $!count == Inf } } multi method roll(Map:D: $count) { $!storage && nqp::elems($!storage) && $count > 0 ??,$count) !! Rakudo::Iterator.Empty ) } multi method pick(Map:D:) { self.roll } multi method Set(Map:D: --> Set:D) { nqp::create(Set).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-SET(self)) } multi method SetHash(Map:D: --> SetHash:D) { nqp::create(SetHash).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-SET(self)) } multi method Bag(Map:D: --> Bag:D) { nqp::create(Bag).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-BAG(self)) } multi method BagHash(Map:D: --> BagHash:D) { nqp::create(BagHash).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-BAG(self)) } multi method Mix(Map:D: --> Mix:D) { nqp::create(Mix).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-MIX(self)) } multi method MixHash(Map:D: --> MixHash:D) { nqp::create(MixHash).SET-SELF(Rakudo::QuantHash.COERCE-MAP-TO-MIX(self)) } } multi sub infix:<eqv>(Map:D \a, Map:D \b --> Bool:D) { class NotEQV { } nqp::hllbool( nqp::unless( nqp::eqaddr(a,b), nqp::if( # not comparing with self nqp::eqaddr(a.WHAT,b.WHAT), nqp::if( # same types (my \amap := nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(a),Map,'$!storage')) && (my int $elems = nqp::elems(amap)), nqp::if( # elems on left (my \bmap := nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(b),Map,'$!storage')) && nqp::iseq_i($elems,nqp::elems(bmap)), nqp::stmts( # same elems on right (my \iter := nqp::iterator(amap)), nqp::while( iter && infix:<eqv>( nqp::iterval(nqp::shift(iter)), nqp::ifnull(nqp::atkey(bmap,nqp::iterkey_s(iter)),NotEQV) ), ($elems = nqp::sub_i($elems,1)) ), nqp::not_i($elems) # ok if none left ), 0 ), nqp::isfalse( # nothing on left (my \map := nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(b),Map,'$!storage')) && nqp::elems(map) # something on right: fail ) ) ) ) ) } # vim: ft=perl6 expandtab sw=4