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view src/core.c/Parameter.pm6 @ 0:c341f82e7ad7 default tip
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author | Shinji KONO <> |
date | Thu, 26 Dec 2019 16:50:27 +0900 |
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my class Parameter { # declared in BOOTSTRAP # class Parameter is Any # has str $!variable_name # has @!named_names # has @!type_captures # has int $!flags # has Mu $!nominal_type # has @!post_constraints # has Mu $!coerce_type # has str $!coerce_method # has Signature $!sub_signature # has Code $!default_value # has Mu $!container_descriptor; # has Mu $!attr_package; # has Mu $!why; my constant $SIG_ELEM_BIND_CAPTURE = 1 +< 0; my constant $SIG_ELEM_BIND_PRIVATE_ATTR = 1 +< 1; my constant $SIG_ELEM_BIND_PUBLIC_ATTR = 1 +< 2; my constant $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS = 1 +< 3; my constant $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED = 1 +< 4; my constant $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_LOL = 1 +< 5; my constant $SIG_ELEM_INVOCANT = 1 +< 6; my constant $SIG_ELEM_MULTI_INVOCANT = 1 +< 7; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_RW = 1 +< 8; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY = 1 +< 9; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW = 1 +< 10; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL = 1 +< 11; my constant $SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL = 1 +< 12; my constant $SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL = 1 +< 13; my constant $SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_FROM_OUTER = 1 +< 14; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE = 1 +< 15; my constant $SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY = 1 +< 16; my constant $SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY = 1 +< 17; my constant $SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_IS_LITERAL = 1 +< 20; my constant $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG = 1 +< 24; my constant $SIG_ELEM_CODE_SIGIL = 1 +< 25; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_NOT_POSITIONAL = $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_LOL +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG +| $SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_SLURPY = $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_LOL +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG; my constant $SIG_ELEM_IS_NOT_READONLY = $SIG_ELEM_IS_RW +| $SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY +| $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW; my $sigils2bit := nqp::null; sub set-sigil-bits(str $sigil, \flags --> Nil) { if nqp::atkey( nqp::ifnull( $sigils2bit, $sigils2bit := nqp::hash( Q/@/, $SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL, Q/%/, $SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL, Q/&/, $SIG_ELEM_CODE_SIGIL, Q/\/, $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW, Q/|/, $SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE +| $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW, ) ), $sigil ) -> $bit { flags +|= $bit } } sub definitize-type(Str:D $type, Bool:D $definite) { Metamodel::DefiniteHOW.new_type(:base_type(::($type)), :$definite) } sub str-to-type(Str:D $type, $flags is rw) { if $type.ends-with(Q/:D/) { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY; definitize-type($type.chop(2), True) } elsif $type.ends-with(Q/:U/) { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY; definitize-type($type.chop(2), False) } elsif $type.ends-with(Q/:_/) { ::($type.chop(2)) } else { ::($type) } } submethod BUILD( Str:D $name is copy = "", Int:D $flags is copy = 0, Bool:D $named is copy = False, Bool:D $optional is copy = False, Bool:D $mandatory is copy = False, Bool:D $is-copy = False, Bool:D $is-raw = False, Bool:D $is-rw = False, Bool:D $multi-invocant = True, *%args # type / default / where / sub_signature captured through %_ ) { if $name { # specified a name? if $name.ends-with(Q/!/) { $name = $name.substr(0,*-1); $mandatory = True; } elsif $name.ends-with(Q/?/) { $name = $name.substr(0,*-1); $optional = True; } my $sigil = $name.substr(0,1); if $sigil eq Q/:/ { $name = $name.substr(1); $sigil = $name.substr(0,1); $named = True; } elsif $sigil eq Q/+/ { $name = $name.substr(1); $sigil = $name.substr(0,1); $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW +| $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG; } if $name.ends-with(Q/)/) { if $named { my $start = $name.index(Q/(/); # XXX handle multiple @!named_names := nqp::list_s($name.substr(0,$start)); $name := $name.substr($start + 1, *-1); } else { die "Can only specify alternative names on named parameters: $name"; } } if $sigil eq Q/*/ { # is it a slurpy? $name = $name.substr(1); $sigil = $name.substr(0,1); if %_.EXISTS-KEY('type') { die "Slurpy named parameters with type constraints are not supported|" } if $sigil eq Q/*/ { # is it a double slurpy? $name = $name.substr(1); $sigil = $name.substr(0,1); $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_LOL; } elsif $sigil eq Q/@/ { # a slurpy array? $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS; } elsif $sigil eq Q/%/ { # a slurpy hash? $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED; } } if $name.substr(1,1) -> $twigil { if $twigil eq Q/!/ { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_BIND_PRIVATE_ATTR; } elsif $twigil eq Q/./ { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_BIND_PUBLIC_ATTR; } } set-sigil-bits($sigil, $flags); $name = $name.substr(1) if $sigil eq Q/\/ || $sigil eq Q/|/; } if %args.EXISTS-KEY('type') { my $type := %args.AT-KEY('type'); if $type.DEFINITE { if nqp::istype($type,Str) { if $type.ends-with(Q/)/) { my $start = $type.index(Q/(/); $!nominal_type := str-to-type($type.substr($start + 1, *-1), my $); $!coerce_type := str-to-type($type.substr(0, $start), $flags); } else { $!nominal_type := str-to-type($type, $flags) } } else { $!nominal_type := $type.WHAT; } } else { $!nominal_type := $type; } } else { $!nominal_type := Any; } if %args.EXISTS-KEY('default') { my $default := %args.AT-KEY('default'); if nqp::istype($default,Code) { $!default_value := $default; } else { nqp::bind($!default_value,$default); $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_IS_LITERAL; } $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL; } if %args.EXISTS-KEY('where') { nqp::bind(@!post_constraints,nqp::list(%args.AT-KEY('where'))); } if %args.EXISTS-KEY('sub-signature') { $!sub_signature := %args.AT-KEY('sub-signature'); } if $named { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL unless $mandatory; @!named_names := nqp::list_s($name.substr(1)) unless @!named_names; } else { $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL if $optional; } $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_MULTI_INVOCANT if $multi-invocant; $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY if $is-copy; $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW if $is-raw; $flags +|= $SIG_ELEM_IS_RW if $is-rw; $!variable_name = $name if $name; $!flags = $flags; self } method name() { nqp::isnull_s($!variable_name) ?? Nil !! $!variable_name } method usage-name() { nqp::iseq_i(nqp::index('@$%&',nqp::substr($!variable_name,0,1)),-1) ?? $!variable_name !! nqp::iseq_i(nqp::index('*!',nqp::substr($!variable_name,1,1)),-1) ?? nqp::substr($!variable_name,1) !! nqp::substr($!variable_name,2) } method sigil() { nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE) ?? '|' !! nqp::isnull_s($!variable_name) ?? nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL) ?? '@' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL) ?? '%' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_CODE_SIGIL) ?? '&' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW) ?? '\\' !! '$' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW) && nqp::iseq_i( nqp::index('@$%&',nqp::substr($!variable_name,0,1)),-1) ?? '\\' !! nqp::substr($!variable_name,0,1) } method twigil() { nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_BIND_PUBLIC_ATTR) ?? '.' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_BIND_PRIVATE_ATTR) ?? '!' !! nqp::isnull_s($!variable_name) ?? '' !! nqp::iseq_s(nqp::substr($!variable_name,1,1),"*") ?? '*' !! '' } method modifier() { nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY) ?? ':D' !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY) ?? ':U' !! '' } method constraint_list() { nqp::isnull(@!post_constraints) ?? () !! nqp::hllize(@!post_constraints) } method constraints() { all(nqp::isnull(@!post_constraints) ?? () !! nqp::hllize(@!post_constraints)) } method type() { $!nominal_type } method coerce_type() { $!coerce_type } method named_names() { nqp::if( @!named_names && (my int $elems = nqp::elems(@!named_names)), nqp::stmts( (my $buf := nqp::setelems(nqp::create(IterationBuffer),$elems)), (my int $i = -1), nqp::while( nqp::islt_i(($i = nqp::add_i($i,1)),$elems), nqp::bindpos($buf,$i,nqp::atpos_s(@!named_names,$i)) ), $buf.List ), nqp::create(List) ) } method named() { nqp::hllbool( nqp::not_i(nqp::isnull(@!named_names)) || nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED) ) } method positional() { nqp::hllbool( nqp::isnull(@!named_names) && nqp::iseq_i(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_NOT_POSITIONAL),0) ) } method slurpy() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_SLURPY)) } method optional() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL)) } method raw() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW)) } method capture() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE)) } method rw() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RW)) } method onearg() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG)) } method copy() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY)) } method readonly() { nqp::hllbool( nqp::iseq_i(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_NOT_READONLY),0) ) } method invocant() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_INVOCANT)) } method multi-invocant() { nqp::hllbool(nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_MULTI_INVOCANT)) } method default() { nqp::isnull($!default_value) ?? Any !! nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_IS_LITERAL) ?? { $!default_value } !! $!default_value } method type_captures() { nqp::if( @!type_captures && (my int $elems = nqp::elems(@!type_captures)), nqp::stmts( (my $buf := nqp::setelems(nqp::create(IterationBuffer),$elems)), (my int $i = -1), nqp::while( nqp::islt_i(($i = nqp::add_i($i,1)),$elems), nqp::bindpos($buf,$i,nqp::atpos_s(@!type_captures,$i)) ), $buf.List ), nqp::create(List) ) } method !flags() { $!flags } multi method ACCEPTS(Parameter:D: Parameter:D \other) { # we're us my \o := nqp::decont(other); return True if nqp::eqaddr(self,o); # nominal type is acceptable if $!nominal_type.ACCEPTS(nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'$!nominal_type')) { my \oflags := nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'$!flags'); # flags are not same, so we need to look more in depth if nqp::isne_i($!flags,oflags) { # here not defined only, or both defined only return False unless nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY), nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_DEFINED_ONLY)) # here not undefined only, or both undefined only && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY), nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_UNDEFINED_ONLY)) # here is rw, or both is rw && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RW), nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_RW)) # other is optional, or both are optional && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL), nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_IS_OPTIONAL)) # other is slurpy positional, or both are slurpy positional && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS), nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_POS)) # other is slurpy named, or both are slurpy named && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED), nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_NAMED)) # other is slurpy one arg, or both are slurpy one arg && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG), nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG)) # here is part of MMD, or both are part of MMD && nqp::isle_i( nqp::bitand_i($!flags,$SIG_ELEM_MULTI_INVOCANT), nqp::bitand_i( oflags,$SIG_ELEM_MULTI_INVOCANT)); } } # nominal type not same else { return False; } # have nameds here my \onamed_names := nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'@!named_names'); if @!named_names { # nameds there if onamed_names { # too many nameds there, can never be subset my int $elems = nqp::elems(@!named_names); return False if nqp::isgt_i(nqp::elems(onamed_names),$elems); # set up lookup hash my \lookup := nqp::hash; my int $i = -1; nqp::bindkey(lookup,nqp::atpos_s(@!named_names,$i),1) while nqp::islt_i(++$i,$elems); # make sure the other nameds are all here $elems = nqp::elems(onamed_names); $i = -1; return False unless nqp::existskey(lookup,nqp::atpos_s(onamed_names,$i)) while nqp::islt_i(++$i,$elems); } } # no nameds here, but we do there (implies not a subset) elsif onamed_names { return False; } # we have sub sig and not the same my \osub_signature := nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'$!sub_signature'); if $!sub_signature { return False unless osub_signature && $!sub_signature.ACCEPTS(osub_signature); } # no sub sig, but other has one elsif osub_signature { return False; } # we have a post constraint if nqp::islist(@!post_constraints) { # callable means runtime check, so no match return False if nqp::istype(nqp::atpos(@!post_constraints,0),Callable); # other doesn't have a post constraint my \opc := nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'@!post_constraints'); return False unless nqp::islist(opc); # other post constraint is a Callable, so runtime check, so no match return False if nqp::istype(nqp::atpos(opc,0),Callable); # not same literal value return False unless nqp::atpos(@!post_constraints,0).ACCEPTS( nqp::atpos(opc,0)); } # we don't, other *does* have a post constraint elsif nqp::islist(nqp::getattr(o,Parameter,'@!post_constraints')) { return False; } # it's a match! True; } multi method perl(Parameter:D: Mu:U :$elide-type = Any) { my $perl = ''; my $rest = ''; my $type = $!nominal_type.^name; $type = $!coerce_type.^name ~ "($type)" unless nqp::isnull($!coerce_type); my $modifier = self.modifier; $perl ~= "::$_ " for @($.type_captures); if $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL or $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL or $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_CODE_SIGIL { $type ~~ / .*? \[ <( .* )> \] $$/; $perl ~= $/ ~ $modifier if $/; } elsif $modifier or !nqp::eqaddr($!nominal_type, nqp::decont($elide-type)) { $perl ~= $type ~ $modifier; } my $name = $.name; if $name { if $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE { $name = '|' ~ $name; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW { $name = '\\' ~ $name without '@$%&'.index(substr($name,0,1)); } } else { if $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_CAPTURE { $name = '|'; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_ARRAY_SIGIL { $name = '@'; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_HASH_SIGIL { $name = '%'; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_CODE_SIGIL { $name = '&'; } else { $name = '$'; } } my $default = self.default(); if self.slurpy { $name = $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_ONEARG ?? "+$name" !! $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_SLURPY_LOL ?? "**$name" !! "*$name"; } elsif self.named { my $name1 := substr($name,1); if @(self.named_names).first({$_ && $_ eq $name1}) { $name = ':' ~ $name; } for @(self.named_names).grep({$_ && $_ ne $name1}) { $name = ':' ~ $_ ~ '(' ~ $name ~ ')'; } $name ~= '!' unless self.optional; } elsif self.optional && !$default && not $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_FROM_OUTER { $name ~= '?'; } if $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_RW { $rest ~= ' is rw'; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_COPY { $rest ~= ' is copy'; } if $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_IS_RAW { # Do not emit cases of anonymous '\' which we cannot reparse # This is all due to unspace. $rest ~= ' is raw' unless $name eq '|' or $name.starts-with('\\'); } unless nqp::isnull($!sub_signature) { my $sig = $!sub_signature.perl(); $sig ~~ s/^^ ':'//; $rest ~= ' ' ~ $sig; } unless nqp::isnull(@!post_constraints) { # it's a Cool constant if !$rest && $name eq '$' && nqp::elems(@!post_constraints) == 1 && nqp::istype( (my \value := nqp::atpos(@!post_constraints,0)), Cool ) { return value.perl; } $rest ~= ' where { ... }'; } if $default { $rest ~= " = $!default_value.perl()"; } elsif $!flags +& $SIG_ELEM_DEFAULT_FROM_OUTER { $rest ~= " = OUTER::<$name>"; } if $name or $rest { $perl ~= ($perl ?? ' ' !! '') ~ $name; } $perl ~ $rest; } method sub_signature(Parameter:D:) { nqp::isnull($!sub_signature) ?? Any !! $!sub_signature } method set_why($why --> Nil) { $!why := $why; } method set_default(Code:D $default --> Nil) { $!default_value := $default; } } multi sub infix:<eqv>(Parameter:D \a, Parameter:D \b) { # we're us return True if a =:= b; # different container type return False unless a.WHAT =:= b.WHAT; # different nominal or coerce type my $acoerce := nqp::getattr(a,Parameter,'$!coerce_type'); my $bcoerce := nqp::getattr(b,Parameter,'$!coerce_type'); return False unless nqp::iseq_s( nqp::getattr(a,Parameter,'$!nominal_type').^name, nqp::getattr(b,Parameter,'$!nominal_type').^name ) && nqp::iseq_s( nqp::isnull($acoerce) ?? "" !! $acoerce.^name, nqp::isnull($bcoerce) ?? "" !! $bcoerce.^name ); # different flags return False if nqp::isne_i( nqp::getattr(a,Parameter,'$!flags'), nqp::getattr(b,Parameter,'$!flags') ); # first is named if a.named { # other is not named return False unless b.named; # not both actually have a name (e.g. *%_ doesn't) my $anames := nqp::getattr(a.named_names,List,'$!reified'); my $bnames := nqp::getattr(b.named_names,List,'$!reified'); my int $adefined = nqp::defined($anames); return False if nqp::isne_i($adefined,nqp::defined($bnames)); # not same basic name return False if $adefined && nqp::isne_s(nqp::atpos($anames,0),nqp::atpos($bnames,0)); } # unnamed vs named elsif b.named { return False; } # first has a post constraint my Mu $pca := nqp::getattr(a,Parameter,'@!post_constraints'); if nqp::islist($pca) { # callable means runtime check, so no match return False if nqp::istype(nqp::atpos($pca,0),Callable); # second doesn't have a post constraint my Mu $pcb := nqp::getattr(b,Parameter,'@!post_constraints'); return False unless nqp::islist($pcb); # second is a Callable, so runtime check, so no match return False if nqp::istype(nqp::atpos($pcb,0),Callable); # not same literal value return False unless nqp::atpos($pca,0) eqv nqp::atpos($pcb,0); } # first doesn't, second *does* have a post constraint elsif nqp::islist(nqp::getattr(b,Parameter,'@!post_constraints')) { return False; } # it's a match True } # vim: ft=perl6 expandtab sw=4