view t/08-performance/02-qast-rewrites.t @ 0:c341f82e7ad7 default tip

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author Shinji KONO <>
date Thu, 26 Dec 2019 16:50:27 +0900
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use lib <t/packages>;
use Test::Helpers::QAST;
use Test;
plan 4;

subtest 'postfix-inc/dec on natives gets overwritten to prefix' => {
    plan 8;
    qast-is 「my int $i; $i++」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'add_i'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<++>'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<++>'
    }, 'int, void context ++';

    qast-is 「my int $i; my int $y; $y = 1 + $i++」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'add_i'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<++>'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<++>'
    }, 'int, non-void context ++';

    qast-is 「my int $i; $i--」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'sub_i'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<-->'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<-->'
    }, 'int, void context --';

    qast-is 「my int $i; my int $y; $y = 1 + $i--」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'sub_i'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<-->'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<-->'
    }, 'int, non-void context --';

    qast-is 「my num $i = 2e0; $i++」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'add_n'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<++>'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<++>'
    }, 'num, void context ++';

    qast-is 「my num $i = 2e0; my num $y; $y = 1e0 + $i++」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'add_n'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<++>'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<++>'
    }, 'num, non-void context ++';

    qast-is 「my num $i = 2e0; $i--」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'sub_n'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<-->'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<-->'
    }, 'num, void context --';

    qast-is 「my num $i = 2e0; my int $y; $y = 1e0 + $i--」, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'sub_n'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&prefix:<-->'
        and not qast-contains-call v, '&postfix:<-->'
    }, 'num, non-void context --';

subtest '.dispatch:<.=> gets rewritten to simple ops' => {
    plan +my @codes :=
      「(my Int $x .=new).="{"new"}"(42);」,
      「my Int $x; .=new andthen .=new orelse .=new;」,
      「my \foo .= new」,
      「my Int \foo .= new」,
      「my Int $a; .=new without $a」,
      「my Int $a; .=new with $a」,
      「my Int $a; $a .= new」,
      「my @a; @a .= new」,   「my @a .= new」,
      「my %a; %a .= new」,   「my %a .= new」,
      「my &a; &a .= new」,   「my &a .= new」,
      「my $b = "meows"; $b .= WHAT」,
      「my @b = <z a b d e>; @b .= sort」,

    for @codes -> \code {
        qast-is code, :full, -> \v {
            not qast-contains-callmethod v, 'dispatch:<.=>'
        }, code;

subtest 'for {}' => {
    my @fors = 「for ^10 {}」, 「for 1..10 {}」, 「for 1..^10 {}」, 「for 1^..10 {}」, 「for 1^..^10 {}」,
        「for 1...10 {}」, 「for 1, 2...10 {}」, 「for 10...2 {}」, 「for 1,3...9 {}」, 「for 9,7...1 {}」,
        「for ^10 .reverse {}」,;
    plan @fors + 2;

    for @fors {
        qast-is $_, -> \v {
                not qast-contains-op   v, 'p6forstmt'
            and not qast-contains-op   v, 'p6for'
        }, $_ ~ ' case gets optimized entirely';

    qast-is 「for ^10 {}」, :target<ast>, -> \v {
        qast-contains-op v, 'p6forstmt'
    }, 'simple `for ^10 {}` case gets `p6forstmt` op to use';

    qast-is 「for ^10 -> $, :$foo {}」, :target<ast>, -> \v {
                qast-contains-op   v, 'p6forstmt'
        and not qast-contains-op   v, 'p6for'
    }, 'named arg does not accidentally get counted as a positional';

subtest 'nested metaops get fully rewritten away from &METAOP sub calls' => {
    plan 2;
    qast-is 「my $a; ($a //= 0) += 1」, -> \v { not qast-contains-call v, /METAOP/ }, '(//=)+=';
    qast-is 「my $a; (((($a //= 0) += 1) //= 0) += 1)」, -> \v { not qast-contains-call v, /METAOP/ },
      '((((//=)+=) //=) +=)';