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date Mon, 10 Nov 2008 05:00:42 +0000
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\jtitle{ 検証を自身で表現できるハードウェア、ソフトウェア記述言語 Continuation ba
sed C と、そのCell への応用}
\etitle{ Self descriptive verfication in Continuation based C and it's appli
cation to Cell architecture }
 \authorentry[]{河野 真治}{Shinji KONO}{Tokyo}% 
  〒903-0213 沖縄県西原町千原1番地}
 {Information Engineering,
  University Of Ryukyus\hskip1em
  Senbaru 1, Nishihara , Okinawa,
  903-0213 Japan}

% $\dagger\dagger$\{taro,jiro\}}

Cell,マルチコア, 継続
multicore , Cell

