changeset 131:ba30f7948580

Writing poster...
author atton <>
date Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:43:30 +0900
parents 80a196c82a4c
children 25d0356fc327
files poster/atton-poster.graffle/data.plist poster/atton-poster.graffle/image23.pdf poster/atton-poster.graffle/image24.pdf poster/atton-poster.graffle/image27.pdf poster/mcsmds.graffle poster/mcsmds.pdf poster/modus-ponens/Makefile poster/modus-ponens/bussproofs.sty poster/modus-ponens/modus-ponens.pdf poster/modus-ponens/modus-ponens.tex
diffstat 10 files changed, 2074 insertions(+), 1935 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/poster/atton-poster.graffle/data.plist	Sat Feb 18 15:43:09 2017 +0900
+++ b/poster/atton-poster.graffle/data.plist	Sat Feb 18 15:43:30 2017 +0900
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-		<string></string>
+		<string></string>
@@ -55,6 +55,663 @@
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+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
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+			<string>Resize</string>
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+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>HiraKakuProN-W3</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>14</real>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3463</integer>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45Curry-Howard Isomorphism \'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e8\'8f\'d8\'96\'be\'82\'c6\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'80\'82\'cc\'8c\'5e\'82\'cd\'91\'ce\'89\'9e\
+\'81\'45Coq\'81\'41Agda \'82\'c6\'82\'a2\'82\'c1\'82\'bd\'8b\'ad\'97\'cd\'82\'c8\'8c\'5e\'82\'f0\'8e\'9d\'82\'c2\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\'82\'c5\'82\'cd\'8f\'d8\'96\'be\'82\'aa\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\
+     - \'8e\'4f\'92\'69\'98\'5f\'96\'40: ((A \'82\'c8\'82\'e7\'82\'ce B) \'82\'a9\'82\'c2 (B \'82\'c8\'82\'e7\'82\'ce C)) \'82\'c8\'82\'e7\'82\'ce (A \'82\'c8\'82\'e7\'82\'ce C)}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<real>1</real>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{1037.3662304660379, 504.56693371187043}, {977.63370931649047, 381.41779289872517}}</string>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
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+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45\'94\'f1\'94\'6a\'89\'f3\'90\'d4\'8d\'95\'96\'d8\'82\'cc\'91\'7d\'93\'fc\'91\'80\'8d\'ec\'82\'c9\'8a\'d6\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'82\'f0\'8c\'9f\'8f\'d8\
+\'81\'45CBMC \'82\'c5\'82\'cd\'83\'6f\'83\'4f\'82\'c9\'97\'52\'97\'88\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'94\'bd\'97\'e1\'82\'f0\'8c\'9f\'8f\'6f\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'b8}</string>
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+				<real>1</real>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
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+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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+			<string>Resize</string>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+					<key>Draws</key>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45CbC \'82\'c9\'91\'ce\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'83\'82\'83\'66\'83\'8b\'8c\'9f\'8d\'b8\'93\'49\'83\'41\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'60\
+\'81\'45CodeSegment \'82\'cc\'90\'da\'91\'b1\'95\'94\'95\'aa\'82\'f0\'83\'81\'83\'5e\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'82\'c6\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'92\'e8\'8b\'60\
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+				<real>1</real>
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+			<key>Class</key>
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+					<key>Class</key>
+					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+					<key>FitText</key>
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+					<string>Resize</string>
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+					<integer>3444</integer>
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+						<key>fill</key>
+						<dict>
+							<key>Draws</key>
+							<string>NO</string>
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+						<key>shadow</key>
+						<dict>
+							<key>Draws</key>
+							<string>NO</string>
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+						<key>stroke</key>
+						<dict>
+							<key>Draws</key>
+							<string>NO</string>
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+						<key>Pad</key>
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+						<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs92 \cf1 \'83\'82\'83\'66\'83\'8b\'8c\'9f\'8d\'b8}</string>
+						<key>VerticalPad</key>
+						<real>0.0</real>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Class</key>
+					<string>Group</string>
+					<key>Graphics</key>
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+							<key>Class</key>
+							<string>LineGraphic</string>
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+										<real>1</real>
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+									<string>FilledBall</string>
+									<key>Legacy</key>
+									<true/>
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+									<string>0</string>
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+							<key>Class</key>
+							<string>LineGraphic</string>
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+								<key>stroke</key>
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+									<key>Color</key>
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+										<real>1</real>
+										<key>r</key>
+										<real>1</real>
+									</dict>
+									<key>HeadArrow</key>
+									<string>FilledBall</string>
+									<key>Legacy</key>
+									<true/>
+									<key>TailArrow</key>
+									<string>0</string>
+									<key>Width</key>
+									<real>3</real>
+								</dict>
+							</dict>
+							<key>Tail</key>
+							<dict>
+								<key>ID</key>
+								<integer>3448</integer>
+								<key>Position</key>
+								<real>0.25490197539329529</real>
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+						<dict>
+							<key>Class</key>
+							<string>LineGraphic</string>
+							<key>ID</key>
+							<integer>3448</integer>
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+								<string>{18.063724517822322, 2198.8922477952628}</string>
+								<string>{58.151951517102873, 2199.8389485391931}</string>
+								<string>{72.660355648752159, 2198.8922477952628}</string>
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+							<dict>
+								<key>stroke</key>
+								<dict>
+									<key>Color</key>
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+										<key>b</key>
+										<real>1</real>
+										<key>g</key>
+										<real>1</real>
+										<key>r</key>
+										<real>1</real>
+									</dict>
+									<key>HeadArrow</key>
+									<string>FilledBall</string>
+									<key>Legacy</key>
+									<true/>
+									<key>TailArrow</key>
+									<string>0</string>
+									<key>Width</key>
+									<real>3</real>
+								</dict>
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+							<key>Bounds</key>
+							<string>{{13.999999719352729, 2144.3359774315813}, {994.98516845703114, 68}}</string>
+							<key>Class</key>
+							<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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+										<real>0.80000000000000004</real>
+										<key>g</key>
+										<real>0.59999999999999998</real>
+										<key>r</key>
+										<real>0.20000000000000001</real>
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+									<integer>2</integer>
+									<key>GradientAngle</key>
+									<real>90</real>
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+									<dict>
+										<key>b</key>
+										<string>0.8</string>
+										<key>g</key>
+										<string>0.4</string>
+										<key>r</key>
+										<string>0</string>
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+								<key>shadow</key>
+								<dict>
+									<key>Draws</key>
+									<string>NO</string>
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+									<key>Width</key>
+									<real>0.5</real>
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+					<key>ID</key>
+					<integer>3445</integer>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3443</integer>
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+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{27.929965899289073, 2242.2047447533118}, {964.78997414196579, 498}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>Vertical</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>HiraKakuProN-W3</string>
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+			<integer>3442</integer>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<key>Pad</key>
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+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45\'83\'5c\'83\'74\'83\'67\'83\'45\'83\'46\'83\'41\'82\'aa\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'82\'f0\'96\'9e\'82\'bd\'82\'b7\'82\'a9\'83\'60\'83\'46\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
+     - spin : promela \'82\'c6\'8c\'c4\'82\'ce\'82\'ea\'82\'e9\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\'82\'c5\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'81\'42\uc0\u8232                 \'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'82\'cd\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'82\'c8\'8e\'ae\'81\'42\'97\'e1\'82\'a6\'82\'ce (x &lt; 10) \'82\'c8\'82\'c7\
+                \'95\'c0\'97\'f1\'93\'ae\'8d\'ec\'82\'f0\'8c\'9f\'8f\'d8\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'82\'c5\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'82\'c8 C \'83\'5c\'81\'5b\'83\'58\'82\'f0\'90\'b6\'90\'ac\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\
+                \'82\'b5\'82\'a9\'82\'b5 C \'82\'c6 promela \'82\'cd\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'82\'aa\'82\'a9\'82\'c8\'82\'e8\'88\'d9\'82\'c8\'82\'e9              \
+     - CBMC : C/C++ \'82\'f0\'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'81\'42 \'82\'b1\'82\'bf\'82\'e7\'82\'e0\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'82\'cd\'8e\'ae\'81\'42\
+                   \'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e8\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'8c\'6f\'98\'48\'82\'f0\'97\'f1\'8b\'93\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
+                   \'97\'4c\'8c\'c0\'82\'cc\'89\'f1\'90\'94\'82\'be\'82\'af if \'82\'e2 while \'82\'f0\'93\'57\'8a\'4a\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<real>1</real>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{13.999999719352957, 2213.004547740562}, {994.98516845703114, 598.1066291954985}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3441</integer>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
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+		<dict>
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+			<string>{{32.492583947868297, 1949.6693093548606}, {958, 148}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
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+			<key>ImageID</key>
+			<integer>24</integer>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{485.74694453537722, 1095.9834683055628}, {513.66007214516185, 228}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>Vertical</string>
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+			<string>Resize</string>
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+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>HiraKakuProN-W3</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>14</real>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3439</integer>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Align</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<real>0.0</real>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45CbC \'82\'cc\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'80\'97\'e1\
+\'81\'45cs0 \'82\'c6 cs1 \'82\'aa CodeSegment\
+\'81\'45a \'82\'c6 b \'82\'cc\'90\'94\'92\'6c\'82\'f0\'89\'c1\'8e\'5a\'82\'b7\'82\'e9 cs0\
+\'81\'45\'88\'f8\'90\'94\'95\'94\'95\'aa\'82\'aa DataSegment\
+\'81\'45goto \'82\'aa CodeSegment \'82\'cc\'90\'da\'91\'b1}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<real>1</real>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{21.330703311956142, 1340.1498393502391}, {964.78997414196579, 165.82677315811497}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3436</integer>
+			<key>ImageID</key>
+			<integer>23</integer>
+			<key>ManualSizeImage</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Scale</key>
+			<real>1.4999999664723873</real>
+			<key>StretchImage</key>
+			<false/>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
 			<string>{{1685.9999397825284, 190.71418127401233}, {329, 100}}</string>
@@ -82,264 +739,8 @@
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>Graphics</key>
-			<array>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Bounds</key>
-					<string>{{411.62721447434012, 2502.9263086397191}, {418.48534207369153, 83.0066523280193}}</string>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-					<key>FontInfo</key>
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-						<key>Size</key>
-						<real>22</real>
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-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3432</integer>
-					<key>Style</key>
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-						<key>fill</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>0.54295000000000004</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>0.89861599999999997</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
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-						</dict>
-						<key>shadow</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Draws</key>
-							<string>NO</string>
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-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>CornerRadius</key>
-							<real>25</real>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>2</real>
-						</dict>
-					</dict>
-					<key>Text</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>Text</key>
-						<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraginoSans-W3;}
-\f0\fs44 \cf0 /* 
-\f1 \'90\'b6\'90\'ac\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'e9\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68 */
-\f0 \
-goto meta(context, Sender);}</string>
-					</dict>
-				</dict>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Bounds</key>
-					<string>{{337.926426404067, 2527.151886001096}, {160.15748176809439, 58.781074966642336}}</string>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-					<key>HFlip</key>
-					<string>YES</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3433</integer>
-					<key>Shape</key>
-					<string>RightTriangle</string>
-					<key>Style</key>
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-						<key>fill</key>
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-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>0.54295000000000004</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>0.89861599999999997</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-						</dict>
-						<key>shadow</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Draws</key>
-							<string>NO</string>
-						</dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>CornerRadius</key>
-							<real>3</real>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>2</real>
-						</dict>
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-			<key>ID</key>
-			<integer>3431</integer>
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-		<dict>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>Graphics</key>
-			<array>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Bounds</key>
-					<string>{{481.88976815178603, 2171.2113885156982}, {418.48534207369153, 83.0066523280193}}</string>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3429</integer>
-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>fill</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>0.54294972160728361</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>0.89861554671822008</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-						</dict>
-						<key>shadow</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Draws</key>
-							<string>NO</string>
-						</dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>CornerRadius</key>
-							<real>25</real>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>2</real>
-						</dict>
-					</dict>
-					<key>Text</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>Text</key>
-						<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraginoSans-W3;}
-\f0\fs44 \cf0 /* 
-\f1 \'90\'b6\'90\'ac\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'e9\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68 */
-\f0 \
-goto meta_sender(context, queue, Put);}</string>
-					</dict>
-				</dict>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Bounds</key>
-					<string>{{408.18898008151291, 2195.4369658770752}, {160.15748176809439, 58.781074966642336}}</string>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-					<key>HFlip</key>
-					<string>YES</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3430</integer>
-					<key>Shape</key>
-					<string>RightTriangle</string>
-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>fill</key>
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-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>0.89861554671822008</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-						</dict>
-						<key>shadow</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Draws</key>
-							<string>NO</string>
-						</dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>CornerRadius</key>
-							<real>3</real>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>2</real>
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-			<key>ID</key>
-			<integer>3428</integer>
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-			<string>{{1033.4244529597486, 923.91948372396314}, {429.48782970673949, 408}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-			<key>FitText</key>
-			<string>Vertical</string>
-			<key>Flow</key>
-			<string>Resize</string>
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-			<key>ID</key>
-			<integer>3422</integer>
-			<key>Style</key>
-			<dict>
-				<key>fill</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-				</dict>
-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-				</dict>
-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-				</dict>
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-			<key>Text</key>
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-				<key>Align</key>
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-				<key>Pad</key>
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-				<key>Text</key>
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45code segment \'82\'cd\'8d\'d7\'82\'a9\'82\'a2\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'82\'cc\'92\'50\'88\'ca\'82\'c5\'82\'a0\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'c5\'91\'e5\'97\'ca\'82\'cc\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'67\'83\'5e\'83\'43\'83\'76\'90\'e9\'8c\'be\'82\'f0\'8f\'91\'82\'a9\'82\'c8\'82\'ad\'82\'c4\'82\'cd\'82\'c8\'82\'e7\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\
-\'81\'45\'8c\'79\'97\'ca\'8c\'70\'91\'b1\'82\'f0\'89\'f0\'90\'cd\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'8e\'9e\'82\'c9\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'67\'83\'5e\'83\'43\'83\'76\'90\'e9\'8c\'be\'82\'cc\'97\'4c\'96\'b3\'82\'f0\'92\'b2\'82\'d7, \'91\'b6\'8d\'dd\'82\'b5\'82\'c8\'82\'a9\'82\'c1\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'c9 code segment \'82\'cc\'92\'e8\'8b\'60\'82\'f0\'8c\'b3\'82\'c9\'8e\'a9\'93\'ae\'82\'c5\'90\'b6\'90\'ac\'82\'b7\'82\'e9}</string>
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>1</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1485.1756601078071, 918.26211440359475}, {522.36205561622637, 399}}</string>
+			<string>{{1043.7880980533005, 1044.7322912831944}, {959.36545032042841, 75}}</string>
@@ -387,291 +788,26 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs48 \cf2 __code code2(int a, int b);\cf0 \
-__code code1(int a, int b, int c)\{\
-          :\
-  goto code2(a+b,b+c);\
-__code code2(int a, int b)\{\
-          :\
+\f0\fs48 \cf0     if (context-&gt;data[AkashaInfo]-&gt;akashaInfo.maxHeight &gt;\
+        2*context-&gt;data[AkashaInfo]-&gt;akashaInfo.minHeight)}</string>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1103.2236119247009, 843.99558585590273}, {889.0382080078125, 73}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-			<key>FitText</key>
-			<string>Vertical</string>
-			<key>Flow</key>
-			<string>Resize</string>
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-					<string>1</string>
-					<key>r</key>
-					<string>1</string>
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-				<key>Font</key>
-				<string>HiraKakuProN-W3</string>
-				<key>Size</key>
-				<real>48</real>
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-			<key>ID</key>
-			<integer>3419</integer>
-			<key>Style</key>
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-				<key>fill</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-				</dict>
-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-			<key>Text</key>
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-				<key>Align</key>
-				<integer>0</integer>
-				<key>Pad</key>
-				<real>0.0</real>
-				<key>Text</key>
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs96 \cf1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'67\'83\'5e\'83\'43\'83\'76\'90\'e9\'8c\'be\'82\'cc\'8e\'a9\'93\'ae\'89\'bb}</string>
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>0.0</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1023.7055380366271, 898.36134557853347}, {994.98516845703114, 531.98118371834153}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-			<key>ID</key>
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-			<key>Style</key>
-			<dict>
-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Width</key>
-					<real>0.5</real>
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-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>LineGraphic</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3414</integer>
-					<key>Points</key>
-					<array>
-						<string>{1048.0847821698403, 865.92462038136148}</string>
-						<string>{1090.9300713983298, 866.7187694836615}</string>
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-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Color</key>
-							<dict>
-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-							<key>HeadArrow</key>
-							<string>FilledBall</string>
-							<key>Legacy</key>
-							<true/>
-							<key>TailArrow</key>
-							<string>0</string>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>3</real>
-						</dict>
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-					<key>Tail</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>ID</key>
-						<integer>3415</integer>
-						<key>Position</key>
-						<real>0.32640770077705383</real>
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-				<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>LineGraphic</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3415</integer>
-					<key>Points</key>
-					<array>
-						<string>{1041.6928839174454, 885.24645853107972}</string>
-						<string>{1053.4220066813798, 849.79091735471582}</string>
-						<string>{1055.6028394900809, 848.51989274408322}</string>
-						<string>{1078.0838052498755, 848.51989274408322}</string>
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-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
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-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-							<key>HeadArrow</key>
-							<string>FilledBall</string>
-							<key>Legacy</key>
-							<true/>
-							<key>TailArrow</key>
-							<string>0</string>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>3</real>
-						</dict>
-					</dict>
-					<key>Tail</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>ID</key>
-						<integer>3416</integer>
-						<key>Position</key>
-						<real>0.25490197539329529</real>
-					</dict>
-				</dict>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>LineGraphic</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3416</integer>
-					<key>Points</key>
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-						<string>{1027.7692628350976, 884.91764622323933}</string>
-						<string>{1067.8574898343779, 885.86434696716958}</string>
-						<string>{1082.365893966027, 884.91764622323933}</string>
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-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>stroke</key>
-						<dict>
-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>g</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-								<key>r</key>
-								<real>1</real>
-							</dict>
-							<key>HeadArrow</key>
-							<string>FilledBall</string>
-							<key>Legacy</key>
-							<true/>
-							<key>TailArrow</key>
-							<string>0</string>
-							<key>Width</key>
-							<real>3</real>
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-				<dict>
-					<string>{{1023.7055380366276, 830.36137585955782}, {994.98516845703114, 68}}</string>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-					<key>ID</key>
-					<integer>3417</integer>
-					<key>Style</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>fill</key>
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-							<key>Color</key>
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-								<key>b</key>
-								<real>0.80000000000000004</real>
-								<key>g</key>
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@@ -721,12 +857,13 @@
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-\f0\fs92 \cf1 CbC \'82\'c5\'82\'cc meta computation \'82\'cc\'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67}</string>
+\f0\fs92 \cf1 CbC \'82\'c6\'83\'81\'83\'5e\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a}</string>
@@ -743,8 +880,8 @@
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@@ -911,124 +1048,7 @@
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-			<key>Class</key>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-				dHJ1Y3QgQWxsb2NhdGUqIGFsbG9jYXRlLCBzdHJ1Y3Qg
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-				PmFmdGVyX3B1dCA9IENvZGUzOwogICAgZWxlbWVudC0+
-				dmFsdWUgPSAoKmNvdW50KSsrOwogICAgZ290byBzZW5k
-				B05TQ29sb3KGkoSEhAdOU0NvbG9yAJSdAoQEZmZmZgAA
-				AAGGkoSWlhBOU1BhcmFncmFwaFN0eWxlhpKEhIQXTlNN
-				gSAChARbMmZdFSSGkoSWlg1OU1N0cm9rZUNvbG9yhpKE
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-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
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-\f0\fs48 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
-__code meta_sender(struct Context* context, struct Queue* queue, enum Code next) \{\
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&amp;queue-&gt;mutex);\
-    goto (context-&gt;code[next])(context);\
-__code sender(struct Queue* queue) \{\
-    goto \cf3 put(queue)\cf2 ;\
-/* generate automatically\
-__code sender_stub(struct Context* context) \{\
-  goto sender(context, &amp;context-&gt;data[Queue]-&gt;queue);\
-__code code4(long* count, struct Allocate* allocate, struct Element* element) \{\
-    allocate-&gt;after_put = Code3;\
-    element-&gt;value = (*count)++;\
-    goto \cf3 sender()\cf2 ;\
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>1</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1105.9610404069074, 309.80734216059085}, {889.0382080078125, 73}}</string>
+			<string>{{1105.9610404069074, 315.80734216059085}, {889.0382080078125, 73}}</string>
@@ -1078,102 +1098,20 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs96 \cf1 Continuation based C (CbC)}</string>
+\f0\fs96 \cf1 \'83\'81\'83\'5e\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'75\'83\'89\'83\'8a akasha}</string>
-			<string>{{167.24409600561998, 2655.4803423386861}, {662.86846054241164, 148.08972639409365}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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-				<key>fill</key>
-				<dict>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{30.573649053109875, 1082.735709197766}, {429.48782970673949, 453}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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-			<string>Resize</string>
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-				<string>HiraKakuProN-W3</string>
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-			<integer>3368</integer>
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-			<dict>
-				<key>fill</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-			<key>Text</key>
-			<dict>
-				<key>Align</key>
-				<integer>0</integer>
-				<key>Pad</key>
-				<real>0.0</real>
-				<key>Text</key>
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45\'8d\'b6\'82\'cc\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68\'82\'cc\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87, __environment \'82\'cd funcB \'82\'cc\'8a\'c2\'8b\'ab\'82\'f0\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
-\'81\'45code segment cs \'82\'cd __return \'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e8funcB\'82\'c9\'96\'df\'82\'c1\'82\'bd\'8c\'e3, funcA \'82\'c9 1 \'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b7\
-\'81\'45 C \'95\'57\'8f\'80\'82\'cc setjmp, longjmp \'82\'f0\'8e\'67\'97\'70\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'bd\'82\'e0\'82\'cc\'82\'f0 LLVM builtin \'82\'cc setjmp longjmp \'82\'f0\'8e\'67\'97\'70\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'82\'e6\'82\'a4\'82\'c9\'95\'cf\'8d\'58}</string>
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>1</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{21.997951639335838, 878.55206223509117}, {971.09956664308152, 183}}</string>
+			<string>{{33.455721994961721, 851.81709726088661}, {971.09956664308152, 228}}</string>
@@ -1214,48 +1152,24 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
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-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45code segment \'82\'cd\'92\'ca\'8f\'ed\'83\'58\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'91\'80\'8d\'ec\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e9\'8a\'c2\'8b\'ab (\'8a\'c2\'8b\'ab = \'83\'58\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'82\'cc\'8f\'f3\'91\'d4) \'82\'cc\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'82\'f0\'8d\'73\'82\'ed\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'82\'cc\'82\'c5\'91\'4f\'82\'cc\'8a\'d6\'90\'94\'82\'c9\'96\'df\'82\'e9\'82\'b1\'82\'c6\'82\'aa\'8f\'6f\'97\'88\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\
-\'81\'45\'8a\'c2\'8b\'ab\'82\'f0__environment, \'8a\'d6\'90\'94\'82\'c9\'96\'df\'82\'e9\'82\'bd\'82\'df\'82\'cc\'93\'c1\'8e\'ea\'82\'c8 code segment \'82\'f0__return \'82\'c6\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'88\'f8\'90\'94\'82\'c9\'8e\'9d\'82\'c2}</string>
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45\'83\'41\'83\'5a\'83\'93\'83\'75\'83\'89\'82\'c6C\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\'82\'cc\'92\'86\'8a\'d4\'82\'cc\'82\'e6\'82\'a4\'82\'c8\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\'82\'c5\'81\'41\'8d\'5c\'95\'b6\'82\'cd\'82\'d9\'82\'c6\'82\'f1\'82\'c7 C \'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\
+\'81\'45OS \'82\'e2\'91\'67\'82\'dd\'8d\'9e\'82\'dd\'83\'5c\'83\'74\'83\'67\'83\'45\'83\'46\'83\'41\'82\'c8\'82\'c7\'82\'aa\'91\'ce\'8f\'db\
+\'81\'45CodeSegment \'82\'c6 DataSegment \'82\'c6\'82\'a2\'82\'a4\'92\'50\'88\'ca\'82\'c5\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'7e\'83\'93\'83\'4f\
+\'81\'45CodeSegment \'82\'f0\'90\'da\'91\'b1\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'82\'b1\'82\'c6\'82\'c5\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'80\'82\'f0\'8d\'5c\'90\'ac\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
-			<string>{{1464.0945014729273, 651.06156224565757}, {528.66142211945976, 153.74170574949483}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
-			<key>ID</key>
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-			<key>ImageID</key>
-			<integer>17</integer>
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-			<dict>
-				<key>fill</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>shadow</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<key>stroke</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1464.0945014729273, 386.30654796158876}, {530.90474694179261, 255}}</string>
+			<string>{{49.606299662683888, 1090.633033696635}, {429.48782970673949, 255}}</string>
@@ -1303,1021 +1217,17 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs56 \cf0 __code cs0(int a, int b)\{\
-  goto cs1(a+b);\
-__code cs1(int c)\{\
-  goto cs2(c);\
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>1</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1025.0057619453983, 2127.4015941053858}, {475.17251586914062, 183}}</string>
-			<key>Class</key>
-			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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-			<string>Resize</string>
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-			<dict>
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-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<dict>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-					<key>Draws</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
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-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45CbC \'82\'cd C \'82\'c9\'94\'e4\'82\'d7\'82\'c4\cf2 \'96\'f11.6\'94\'7b\cf0 \'91\'ac\'82\'a2\
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-				<real>1</real>
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-			<key>Class</key>
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-							<string>NO</string>
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-					<key>Text</key>
-					<dict>
-						<key>Text</key>
-						<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
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-					<string>{{1554.1101451825796, 2241.0382707850849}, {233.85826983836705, 53.858268205199579}}</string>
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-					<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
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-						<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
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-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'83\'52\'83\'93\'83\'70\'83\'43\'83\'89\'96\'bc}</string>
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-\'81\'45\'89\'fc\'97\'c7\'91\'4f\'82\'c6\'94\'e4\'8a\'72\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\cf2 \'96\'f17.0\'94\'7b\cf0 \'82\'cc\'91\'ac\'93\'78\'8c\'fc\'8f\'e3\
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-				<real>1</real>
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-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{1028.3427335490617, 382.80734216059085}, {399.23294067382812, 363}}</string>
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-\'81\'45\'8c\'79\'97\'ca\'8c\'70\'91\'b1\'82\'cd\'83\'74\'83\'8c\'81\'5b\'83\'80\'83\'7c\'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'5e, \'83\'58\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'83\'7c\'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'5e\'82\'cc\'91\'80\'8d\'ec\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e9\'83\'58\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'82\'cc\'8f\'f3\'91\'d4\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'82\'f0\'8d\'73\'82\'ed\'82\'c8\'82\'a2}</string>
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-				<real>1</real>
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-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
-			<string>{{468.09177951237046, 1082.735709197766}, {522.36205561622637, 471}}</string>
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-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs48 \cf0 __code cs(__code(*ret)(int, void*),void *env)\{\
-  goto ret(1,env);\
+\f0\fs56 \cf0 __code cs0(int a, int b) \{\
+  goto cs1(a+b);\
-int funcB()\{\
-   goto cs(\cf2 __return\cf0 , \cf3 __environment\cf0 );\
-   return -1; // never reached\
-int funcA()\{\
-  printf(\'81\'67return = %d\\n\'81\'68, funcB());\
-  return 0;\
+__code cs1(int c) \{\
+  goto cs2(c);\
@@ -2437,9 +1347,10 @@
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@@ -2648,61 +1559,7 @@
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-					<string>NO</string>
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-\'81\'45x86-64 Mac OS X \'8f\'e3\'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8c\'76\'91\'aa}</string>
-				<key>VerticalPad</key>
-				<real>1</real>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Bounds</key>
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+			<string>{{1112.5429334301139, 1158.9020555785814}, {889.0382080078125, 73}}</string>
@@ -2752,12 +1609,13 @@
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+\f0\fs96 \cf1 Agda \'82\'c6\'92\'e8\'97\'9d\'8f\'d8\'96\'be}</string>
@@ -2774,8 +1632,8 @@
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@@ -2815,10 +1673,10 @@
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@@ -2858,9 +1716,9 @@
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-						<string>{1067.8574898343777, 1504.0069212579813}</string>
-						<string>{1082.365893966027, 1503.060220514051}</string>
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@@ -2888,7 +1746,7 @@
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+			<string>{{95.693980949471921, 780.36841527241745}, {889.0382080078125, 73}}</string>
@@ -2988,21 +1846,27 @@
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@@ -3354,16 +2218,19 @@
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+     - \'92\'ca\'8f\'ed\'83\'8c\'83\'78\'83\'8b\'82\'c5\'82\'cd\'83\'7c\'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'5e\'82\'cd\'8f\'6f\'82\'c4\'82\'b1\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'81\'41\'82\'c8\'82\'c7\
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+     - \'83\'81\'83\'5e\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'82\'f0\'82\'b7\'82\'e9 CodeSegment \'82\'cd Meta CodeSegment\
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@@ -3612,12 +2550,13 @@
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@@ -3664,63 +2603,28 @@
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-				uZK7krySrJKthoY=
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-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraginoSans-W3;}
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45
-\f1 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
-\f0 \cf0 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0  meta computation \'82\'f0\'8f\'5f\'93\'ee\'82\'c9\'8b\'4c\'8f\'71\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'82\'bd\'82\'df\'82\'c9\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'82\'f0\'8d\'d7\'82\'a9\'82\'ad\'95\'aa\'8a\'84\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'82\'a2.\
-\'81\'45\'82\'bb\'82\'cc\'82\'bd\'82\'df\'82\'cc\'92\'50\'88\'ca\'82\'aa code segment, data segment\
-\'81\'45Continuation based C (CbC) \'82\'cd code segment \'82\'f0\'97\'70\'82\'a2\'82\'e9\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'7e\'83\'93\'83\'4f\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\
-\'81\'45LLVM Clang \'8f\'e3\'82\'cc CbC \'83\'52\'83\'93\'83\'70\'83\'43\'83\'89\'82\'cc\'89\'fc\'97\'c7\'82\'c6\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'8a\'c2\'8b\'ab\'95\'74\'82\'ab\'8c\'70\'91\'b1\'82\'cc\'8d\'82\'91\'ac\'89\'bb, omit leaf frame pointer \'82\'cc\'8b\'ad\'90\'a7, \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'67\'83\'5e\'83\'43\'83\'76\'90\'e9\'8c\'be\'82\'cc\'8e\'a9\'93\'ae\'89\'bb\'82\'f0\'8d\'73\'82\'c1\'82\'bd}</string>
+\f0\fs60 \cf0 \'81\'45\'90\'4d\'97\'8a\'90\'ab\'82\'cc\'8d\'82\'82\'a2\'83\'5c\'83\'74\'83\'67\'83\'45\'83\'46\'83\'41\'82\'f0\'92\'f1\'8b\'9f\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'82\'b1\'82\'c6\'82\'cd\'8f\'64\'97\'76\'82\'c5\'82\'a0\'82\'e9\
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+                                          \'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'82\'c9\'94\'77\'82\'ad\'8f\'f3\'91\'d4\'82\'aa\'96\'b3\'82\'a2\'82\'a9\'8a\'6d\'94\'46\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
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+\'81\'45\'8c\'9f\'8f\'d8\'82\'b5\'82\'e2\'82\'b7\'82\'a2\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea Continuation based C (CbC)\'82\'f0\'8a\'4a\'94\'ad\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'e9\
+\'81\'45CbC \'82\'c5\'82\'cd\'97\'bc\'83\'41\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'60\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'e9\'8c\'9f\'8f\'d8\'82\'aa\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'82\'c8\'82\'b1\'82\'c6\'82\'f0\'8e\'a6\'82\'b7}</string>
-			<string>{{27.929966855429171, 14.786078741176073}, {1924.739013671875, 191}}</string>
+			<string>{{27.929965899289073, 16.994015129345218}, {1924.739013671875, 191}}</string>
@@ -3761,13 +2665,14 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\b\fs180 \cf1 LLVM Clang \'8f\'e3\'82\'cc \
-Continuation based C \'83\'52\'83\'93\'83\'70\'83\'43\'83\'89\'82\'cc\'89\'fc\'97\'c7}</string>
+\f0\b\fs180 \cf1 \'83\'81\'83\'5e\'8c\'76\'8e\'5a\'82\'f0\'97\'70\'82\'a2\'82\'bd\
+Continuation based C \'82\'cc\'8c\'9f\'8f\'d8\'8e\'e8\'96\'40}</string>
@@ -3848,7 +2753,7 @@
-				<real>48</real>
+				<real>40</real>
@@ -3877,12 +2782,13 @@
-				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf340
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810
 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
-\f0\fs96 \cf1 \'8c\'a4\'8b\'86\'8a\'54\'97\'76}</string>
+\f0\fs96 \cf1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'4f\'83\'89\'83\'7e\'83\'93\'83\'4f\'8c\'be\'8c\'ea\'82\'c6\'90\'4d\'97\'8a\'90\'ab}</string>
@@ -3956,11 +2862,11 @@
-			<string>{{1022.0227315255154, 1448.5039501503695}, {994.98516845703114, 861.89764395501697}}</string>
+			<string>{{1027.8490976402113, 1149.2590165482397}, {994.98516845703114, 861.89764395501697}}</string>
-			<integer>3080</integer>
+			<integer>3462</integer>
@@ -3977,7 +2883,7 @@
-			<string>{{13.999999719352729, 1700.6401793924279}, {994.98516845703114, 1110.4709975436326}}</string>
+			<string>{{13.999999719352729, 1578.8976521208529}, {994.98516845703114, 558.42520191707035}}</string>
@@ -4011,18 +2917,20 @@
-	<integer>23</integer>
+	<integer>28</integer>
+		<dict/>
+		<string>image27.pdf</string>
+		<string>image24.pdf</string>
+		<string>image23.pdf</string>
-		<string>image19.pdf</string>
-		<string>image17.pdf</string>
@@ -4035,6 +2943,8 @@
 			<string>Layer 1</string>
+			<key>Slices</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
@@ -4063,9 +2973,9 @@
-	<string>2016-02-21 10:47:39 +0000</string>
+	<string>2017-02-18 06:38:01 +0000</string>
-	<string>utah</string>
+	<string>atton</string>
@@ -4094,7 +3004,7 @@
-			<string>417D73FB-46A8-40D2-8D3C-13046B8040A8</string>
+			<string>5A61AC28-1385-4667-8BEF-C9D7779DD8A5</string>
@@ -4144,7 +3054,7 @@
-		<string>{{405, 3}, {1460, 1174}}</string>
+		<string>{{22, 4}, {1592, 1053}}</string>
@@ -4154,7 +3064,7 @@
-		<string>{{-149, 0}, {2326, 2128}}</string>
+		<string>{{-281, 334}, {2590, 1886}}</string>
Binary file poster/atton-poster.graffle/image23.pdf has changed
Binary file poster/atton-poster.graffle/image24.pdf has changed
Binary file poster/atton-poster.graffle/image27.pdf has changed
Binary file poster/mcsmds.graffle has changed
Binary file poster/mcsmds.pdf has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/poster/modus-ponens/Makefile	Sat Feb 18 15:43:30 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Settings
+BIBTEX=echo # pbibtex
+vpath pdf fig
+FIGURES=$(wildcard fig/*.pdf)
+FIGURES_FOR_TEX=$(subst .pdf,.xbb,$(FIGURES))
+# dependencies
+$(TARGET).pdf : $(TARGET).dvi
+	dvipdfmx $<
+$(TARGET).dvi : $(wildcard *.tex) $(FIGURES_FOR_TEX) $(SOURCES_FOR_TEX)
+	platex  $(TARGET).tex
+	platex  $(TARGET).tex
+	platex  $(TARGET).tex
+%.xbb: %.pdf
+	$(BB) $<
+# commands
+.PHONY : clean all open remake
+	rm -f *.dvi *.aux *.log *.pdf *.ps *.gz *.bbl *.blg *.toc *~ *.core *.cpt *.lof *.lot *.lol *.bbl *.blg
+all: $(TARGET).pdf
+open: $(TARGET).pdf
+	open $(TARGET).pdf
+	make clean
+	make all
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/poster/modus-ponens/bussproofs.sty	Sat Feb 18 15:43:30 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@
+\def\BPmessage{Proof Tree (bussproofs) style macros. Version 1.1.}
+% bussproofs.sty.  Version 1.1
+%     (c) 1994,1995,1996,2004,2005,2006, 2011. 
+%     Copyright retained by Samuel R. Buss.
+% ==== Legal statement: ====
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/1 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of the work is Sam Buss.
+% This work consists of bussproofs.sty.
+%  =====
+% Informal summary of legal situation:
+%     This software may be used and distributed freely, except that
+%     if you make changes, you must change the file name to be different
+%     than bussproofs.sty to avoid compatibility problems.
+% The terms of the LaTeX Public License are the legally controlling terms
+%     and override any contradictory terms of the "informal situation".
+%     Please report comments and bugs to
+%  Thanks to Felix Joachimski for making changes to let these macros
+%   work in plain TeX in addition to LaTeX.  Nothing has been done
+%   to see if they work in AMSTeX.  The comments below mostly
+%   are written for LaTeX, however.
+%  July 2004, version 0.7
+%       - bug fix, right labels with descenders inserted too much space.
+%         Thanks to Peter Smith for finding this bug,
+%     see
+%  March 2005, version 0.8.
+%   Added a default definition for \fCenter at Denis Kosygin's
+%   suggestion.
+%  September 2005, version 0.9.
+%       Fixed some subtle spacing problems, by adding %'s to the end of
+%   few lines where they were inadvertantly omitted.  Thanks to
+%   Arnold Beckmann for finding and fixing this problem.
+%  April 2006, version 0.9.1.  Updated comments and testbp2.tex file.
+%       No change to the actual macros.
+%  June 2006, version 1.0.  The first integer numbered release.
+%       New feature: root of proof may now be at the bottom instead of
+%       at just the top.  Thanks to Alex Hertel for the suggestion to implement
+%       this.
+%  June 2011, version 1.1.  
+%       New feature: 4-ary and 5-ary inferences.  Thanks to Thomas Strathmann
+%       for taking the initiative to implement these.
+%         Four new commands: QuaternaryInf(C) and QuinaryInf(C).
+%       Bug fix: \insertBetweenHyps now works for proofs with root at top and
+%            three or more hypotheses..
+% A good exposition of how to use bussproofs.sty (version 0.9) has been written
+%  by Peter Smith and is available on the internet.
+% The comments below also describe the features of bussproofs.sty,
+%  including user-modifiable parameters.
+%  bussproofs.sty allows the construction of proof trees in the
+%     style of the sequent calculus and many other proof systems
+%     One novel feature of these macros is they support the horizontal
+%     alignment according to some center point specified with the
+%     command \fCenter.  This is the style often used in sequent
+%     calculus proofs.
+%     Proofs are specified in left-to-right traversal order.
+%       For example a proof
+%               A   B
+%                               -----
+%                          D      C
+%                         ---------
+%                             E
+%     if given in the order D,A,B,C,E.  Each line in the proof is
+%     specified according to the arity of the inference which generates
+%     it.  Thus, E would be specified with a \BinaryInf  or  \BinaryInfC
+%     command.
+%     The above proof tree could be displayed with the commands:
+%               \AxiomC{D}
+%               \AxiomC{A}
+%               \AxiomC{B}
+%               \BinaryInfC{C}
+%               \BinaryInfC{E}
+%               \DisplayProof
+%     Inferences in a proof may be nullary (axioms), unary, binary, or
+%     trinary.
+%     IMPORTANT:  You must give the \DisplayProof command to make the proof
+%      be printed.  To display a centered proof on a line by itself,
+%      put the proof inside \begin{center} ... \end{center}.
+%     There are two styles for specifying horizontal centering of
+%     lines (formulas or sequents) in a proof.  One format \AxiomC{...}
+%     just centers the formula {...} in the usual way.  The other
+%     format is \Axiom$...\fCenter...$.  Here,  the \fCenter specifies
+%     the center of the formula.  (It is permissable for \fCenter to
+%     generate typeset material; in fact, I usually define it to generate
+%     the sequent arrow.)  In unary inferences, the \fCenter
+%     positions will be vertically aligned in the upper and lower lines of
+%     the inference.  Unary, Binary, Trinary inferences are specified
+%     with the same format as Axioms.  The two styles of centering
+%     lines may be combined in a single proof.
+%     By using the optional \EnableBpAbbreviations command, various
+%   abbreviated two or three letter commands are enabled.  This allows,
+%   in particular:
+%   \AX and \AXC for \Axiom and \AxiomC, (resp.),
+%   \DP for \DisplayProof,
+%   \BI and \BIC for \BinaryInf and \BinaryInfC,
+%   \UI and \UIC for \UnaryInf  and \UnaryInfC,
+%   \TI and \TIC for \TrinaryInf and \TrinaryInfC,
+%   \LL and \RL for \LeftLabel and \RightLabel.
+%   See the source code below for additional abbreviations.
+%     The enabling of these short abbreviations is OPTIONAL, since
+%       there is the possibility of conflicting with names from other
+%       macro packages.
+%     By default, the inferences have single horizontal lines (scores)
+%       This can be overridden using the \doubleLine, \noLine commands.
+%       These two commands affect only the next inference.  You can make
+%   make a permanent override that applies to the rest of the current
+%       proof using \alwaysDoubleLine and \alwaysNoLine.  \singleLine
+%   and \alwaysSingleLine work in the analogous way.
+%     The macros do their best to give good placements of for the
+%     parts of the proof.  Several macros allow you to override the
+%     defaults.  These are \insertBetweenHyps{...} which overrides
+%     the default spacing between hypotheses of Binary and Trinary
+%     inferences with {...}.  And \kernHyps{...} specifies a distance
+%     to shift the whole block of hypotheses to the right (modifying
+%     the default center position.
+%       Other macros set the vertical placement of the whole proof.
+%     The default is to try to do a good job of placement for inferences
+%     included in text.  Two other useful macros are: \bottomAlignProof
+%     which aligns the hbox output by \DisplayProof according to the base
+%     of the bottom line of the proof, and \centerAlignProof which
+%     does a precise center vertical alignment.
+%     Often, one wishes to place a label next to an inference, usually
+%   to specify the type of inference.  These labels can be placed
+%       by using the commands \LeftLabel{...} and \RightLabel{...}
+%       immediately before the command which specifies the inference.
+%       For example, to generate
+%                       A     B
+%                      --------- X
+%                          C
+%       use the commands
+%             \AxiomC{A}
+%             \AxiomC{B}
+%             \RightLabel{X}
+%             \BinaryInfC{C}
+%             \DisplayProof
+%     The \DisplayProof command just displays the proof as a text
+%   item.  This allows you to put proofs anywhere normal text
+%   might appear; for example, in a paragraph, in a table, in
+%   a tabbing environment, etc.  When displaying a proof as inline text,
+%   you should write \DisplayProof{}  (with curly brackets) so that
+%   LaTeX will not "eat" the white space following the \DisplayProof
+%   command.
+%     For displaying proofs in a centered display:  Do not use the \[...\]
+%   construction (nor $$...$$).  Instead use
+%   \begin{center} ... \DisplayProof\end{center}.
+%     Actually there is a better construction to use instead of the
+%   \begin{center}...\DisplayProof\end{center}.  This is to
+%   write
+%       \begin{prooftree} ... \end{prooftree}.
+%       Note there is no \DisplayProof used for this: the
+%   \end{prooftree} automatically supplies the \DisplayProof
+%   command.
+%     Warning: Any commands that set line types or set vertical or
+%   horizontal alignment that are given AFTER the \DisplayProof
+%   command will affect the next proof, no matter how distant.
+% Usages:
+% =======
+%   \Axiom$<antecedent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \AxiomC{<whole sequent or formula}
+%   Note that the use of surrounding {}'s is mandatory in \AxiomC and
+%   is prohibited in $\Axiom.  On the other hand, the $'s are optional
+%   in \AxiomC and are mandatory in \Axiom.  To typeset the argument
+%   to \AxiomC in math mode, you must use $'s (or \(...\) ).
+%   The same comments apply to the inference commands below.
+%   \UnaryInf$<antecendent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \UnaryInfC{<whole sequent or formula>}
+%   \BinaryInf$<antecendent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \BinaryInfC{<whole sequent or formula>}
+%   \TrinaryInf$<antecendent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \TrinaryInfC{<whole sequent or formula>}
+%   \QuaternaryInf$<antecendent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \QuaternaryInfC{<whole sequent or formula>}
+%   \QuinaryInf$<antecendent>\fCenter<succedent>$
+%   \QuinaryInfC{<whole sequent or formula>}
+%   \LeftLabel{<text>} - Puts <text> as a label to the left
+%             of the next inference line.  (Works even if
+%             \noLine is used too.)
+%   \RightLabel{<text>} - Puts <text> as a label to the right of the
+%             next inference line.  (Also works with \noLine.)
+%   \DisplayProof - outputs the whole proof tree (and finishes it).
+%           The proof tree is output as an hbox.
+%   \kernHyps{<dimen>}  - Slides the upper hypotheses right distance <dimen>
+%             (This is similar to shifting conclusion left)
+%           - kernHyps works with Unary, Binary and Trinary
+%             inferences and with centered or uncentered sequents.
+%           - Negative values for <dimen> are permitted.
+%   \insertBetweenHyps{...} - {...} will be inserted between the upper
+%             hypotheses of a Binary or Trinary Inferences.
+%                         It is possible to use negative horizontal space
+%                 to push them closer together (and even overlap).
+%             This command affects only the next inference.
+%   \doubleLine         - Makes the current (ie, next) horizontal line doubled
+%   \alwaysDoubleLine   - Makes lines doubled for rest of proof
+%   \singleLine     - Makes the current (ie, next) line single
+%   \alwaysSingleLine   - Undoes \alwaysDoubleLine or \alwaysNoLine.
+%   \noLine     - Make no line at all at current (ie next) inference.
+%   \alwaysNoLine       - Makes no lines for rest of proof. (Untested)
+%   \solidLine      - Does solid horizontal line for current inference
+%   \dottedLine     - Does dotted horizontal line for current inference
+%   \dashedLine     - Does dashed horizontal line for current inference
+%   \alwaysSolidLine    - Makes the indicated change in line type, permanently
+%   \alwaysDashedLine       until end of proof or until overridden.
+%   \alwaysDottedLine
+%   \bottomAlignProof   - Vertically align proof according to its bottom line.
+%   \centerAlignProof   - Vertically align proof proof precisely in its center.
+%   \normalAlignProof   - Overrides earlier bottom/center AlignProof commands.
+%             The default alignment will look good in most cases,
+%               whether the proof is displayed or is
+%               in-line.  Other alignments may be more
+%               appropriate when putting proofs in tables or
+%               pictures, etc.  For custom alignments, use
+%               TeX's raise commands.
+%   \rootAtTop  - specifies that proofs have their root a the top.  That it,
+%                 proofs will be "upside down".
+%   \rootAtBottom - (default) Specifies that proofs have root at the bottom
+%         The \rootAtTop and \rootAtBottom commands apply *only* to the
+%         current proof.  If you want to make them persistent, use one of
+%         the next two commands:
+%   \alwaysRootAtTop
+%   \alwaysRootAtBottom (default)
+% Optional short abbreviations for commands:
+    \let\AX\Axiom
+    \let\AXC\AxiomC
+    \let\UI\UnaryInf
+    \let\UIC\UnaryInfC
+    \let\BI\BinaryInf
+    \let\BIC\BinaryInfC
+    \let\TI\TrinaryInf
+    \let\TIC\TrinaryInfC
+    \let\QI\QuaternaryInf
+    \let\QIC\QuaternaryInfC
+    \let\QuI\QuinaryInf
+    \let\QuIC\QuinaryInfC
+    \let\LL\LeftLabel
+    \let\RL\RightLabel
+    \let\DP\DisplayProof
+% Parameters which control the style of the proof trees.
+% The user may wish to override these parameters locally or globally.
+%   future incompatibilities).  Instead, you should change them in your
+%   TeX document right after including this style file in the
+%   header material of your LaTeX document.
+\def\ScoreOverhang{4pt}         % How much underlines extend out
+\def\extraVskip{2pt}            % Extra space above and below lines
+\def\ruleScoreFiller{\hrule}        % Horizontal rule filler.
+\def\dottedScoreFiller{\hbox to4pt{\hss.\hss}}
+\def\dashedScoreFiller{\hbox to2.8mm{\hss\vrule width1.4mm height0.4pt depth0.0pt\hss}}
+\def\defaultScoreFiller{\ruleScoreFiller}  % Default horizontal filler.
+\def\defaultBuildScore{\buildSingleScore}  % In \singleLine mode at start.
+\def\defaultHypSeparation{\hskip.2in}   % Used if \insertBetweenHyps isn't given
+\def\labelSpacing{3pt}      % Horizontal space separating labels and lines
+\def\proofSkipAmount{\vskip.8ex plus.8ex minus.4ex}
+            % Space above and below a prooftree display.
+\def\defaultRootPosition{\buildRootBottom} % Default: Proofs root at bottom
+%\def\defaultRootPosition{\buildRootTop}  % Makes all proofs upside down
+% End of user-modifiable parameters.
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Here are some internal paramenters and defaults.  Not really intended
+%  to be user-modifiable.
+\def\alwaysScoreFiller{\defaultScoreFiller} % Horizontal filler.
+\def\theScoreFiller{\alwaysScoreFiller} % Horizontal filler.
+\def\buildScore{\alwaysBuildScore}   %This command builds the score.
+\def\hypKernAmt{0pt}    % Initial setting for kerning the hypotheses.
+% End of internal parameters and defaults.
+\expandafter\ifx\csname newenvironment\endcsname\relax%
+% If in TeX:
+% If in LaTeX
+{\begin{center}\proofSkipAmount \leavevmode}%
+{\DisplayProof \proofSkipAmount \end{center} }
+\newcount\theLevel    % This counter is the height of the stack.
+\global\theLevel=0      % Initialized to zero
+\newbox\myBoxA      % Temporary storage boxes
+\newbox\myBoxLL     % Boxes for the left label and the right label.
+\newdimen\thisAboveSkip     %Internal use: amount to skip above line
+\newdimen\thisBelowSkip     %Internal use: amount to skip below line
+\newdimen\newScoreStart     % More temporary storage.
+\newdimen\leftLowerAmt%     Amount to lower left label
+\newdimen\rightLowerAmt%    Amount to lower right label
+\newdimen\scoreHeight%      Score height
+\newdimen\scoreDepth%       Score Depth
+    \ifnum\theLevel>\myMaxLevel%
+        \expandafter\newbox\curBox%
+        \expandafter\newdimen\curScoreStart%
+        \expandafter\newdimen\curCenter%
+        \expandafter\newdimen\curScoreEnd%
+        \global\advance\myMaxLevel by1%
+    \fi%
+    \advance\theLevel by1%
+    \edef\curBox{\thecur{myBox}}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \allocatemore%
+    % Get level and correct names set.
+    \prepAxiom%
+    % Define the boxes
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{$\mathord{#1}\fCenter\mathord{\relax}$}%
+    \setbox\myBoxB=\hbox{$#2$}%
+    \global\setbox\curBox=%
+         \hbox{\hskip\ScoreOverhangLeft\relax%
+        \unhcopy\myBoxA\unhcopy\myBoxB\hskip\ScoreOverhangRight\relax}%
+    % Set the relevant dimensions for the boxes
+    \global\curScoreStart=0pt \relax
+    \global\curScoreEnd=\wd\curBox \relax
+    \global\curCenter=\wd\myBoxA \relax
+    \global\advance \curCenter by \ScoreOverhangLeft%
+    \ignorespaces
+\def\AxiomC#1{      % Note argument not in math mode
+    % Get level and correct names set.
+    \prepAxiom%
+        % Define the box.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{#1}%
+    \global\setbox\curBox =%
+        \hbox{\hskip\ScoreOverhangLeft\relax%
+                        \unhcopy\myBoxA\hskip\ScoreOverhangRight\relax}%
+    % Set the relevant dimensions for the boxes
+        \global\curScoreStart=0pt \relax
+        \global\curScoreEnd=\wd\curBox \relax
+        \global\curCenter=.5\wd\curBox \relax
+        \global\advance \curCenter by \ScoreOverhangLeft%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \ifnum \theLevel<1
+        \errmessage{Hypotheses missing!}
+    \fi%
+    \edef\curBox{\thecur{myBox}}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \prepUnary%
+    \buildConclusion{#1}{#2}%
+    \joinUnary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \prepUnary%
+    \buildConclusionC{#1}%
+    %Align and join the curBox and the new box into one vbox.
+    \joinUnary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \ifnum\theLevel<2
+        \errmessage{Hypotheses missing!}
+    \fi%
+    \edef\rcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of right hypothesis
+    \edef\rcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\lcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of left hypothesis
+    \edef\lcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\lcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\lcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \prepBinary%
+    \buildConclusion{#1}{#2}%
+    \joinBinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \prepBinary%
+    \buildConclusionC{#1}%
+    \joinBinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \ifnum\theLevel<3
+        \errmessage{Hypotheses missing!}
+    \fi%
+    \edef\rcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of right hypothesis
+    \edef\rcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\ccurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of center hypothesis
+    \edef\ccurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\ccurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\ccurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\lcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of left hypothesis
+    \edef\lcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\lcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\lcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \prepTrinary%
+    \buildConclusion{#1}{#2}%
+    \joinTrinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \prepTrinary%
+    \buildConclusionC{#1}%
+    \joinTrinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \ifnum\theLevel<4
+        \errmessage{Hypotheses missing!}
+    \fi%
+    \edef\rrcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of very right hypothesis
+    \edef\rrcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rrcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rrcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\rcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of right hypothesis
+    \edef\rcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\ccurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of center hypothesis
+    \edef\ccurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\ccurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\ccurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\lcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of left hypothesis
+    \edef\lcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\lcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\lcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \prepQuaternary%
+    \buildConclusion{#1}{#2}%
+    \joinQuaternary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \prepQuaternary%
+    \buildConclusionC{#1}%
+    \joinQuaternary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+\def\joinQuaternary{% Construct the quarterary inference into a vbox.
+    % Join the four hypotheses's boxes into one hbox.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{\theHypSeparation}%
+    \lcurScoreEnd=\rrcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\rcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\lcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\ccurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by3\wd\myBoxA%
+    \displace=\lcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\displace by -\lcurScoreStart%
+    \lcurCenter=.5\displace%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by\lcurScoreStart%
+    \ifx\rootAtBottomFlag\myTrue%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\box\lcurBox\unhcopy\myBoxA\box\ccurBox%
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rcurBox
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rrcurBox}%
+    \else%
+        \htLbox = \ht\lcurBox%
+        \htAbox = \ht\myBoxA%
+        \htCbox = \ht\ccurBox%
+        \htRbox = \ht\rcurBox%
+        \htRRbox = \ht\rrcurBox%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\lower\htLbox\box\lcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htCbox\box\ccurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRbox\box\rcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRRbox\box\rrcurBox}%
+    \fi%
+    % Adjust center of upper hypotheses according to how much
+    %   the lower sequent is off-center.
+    \displace=\newCenter%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreStart%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by \displace%
+    %Align and join the curBox and the two hypotheses's box into one vbox.
+    \edef\curBox{\lcurBox}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\lcurScoreStart}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\lcurScoreEnd}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\lcurCenter}%
+    \joinUnary%
+    \ifnum\theLevel<5
+        \errmessage{Hypotheses missing!}
+    \fi%
+    \edef\rrrcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of very very right hypothesis
+    \edef\rrrcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rrrcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rrrcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\rrcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of very right hypothesis
+    \edef\rrcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rrcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rrcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\rcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}%   Set up names of right hypothesis
+    \edef\rcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\rcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\rcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\ccurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of center hypothesis
+    \edef\ccurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\ccurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\ccurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \advance\theLevel by-1%
+    \edef\lcurBox{\thecur{myBox}}% Set up names of left hypothesis
+    \edef\lcurScoreStart{\thecur{myScoreStart}}%
+    \edef\lcurCenter{\thecur{myCenter}}%
+    \edef\lcurScoreEnd{\thecur{myScoreEnd}}%
+    \prepQuinary%
+    \buildConclusion{#1}{#2}%
+    \joinQuinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+    \prepQuinary%
+    \buildConclusionC{#1}%
+    \joinQuinary%
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces%
+\def\joinQuinary{% Construct the quinary inference into a vbox.
+    % Join the five hypotheses's boxes into one hbox.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{\theHypSeparation}%
+    \lcurScoreEnd=\rrrcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\rrcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\rcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\lcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\ccurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by4\wd\myBoxA%
+    \displace=\lcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\displace by -\lcurScoreStart%
+    \lcurCenter=.5\displace%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by\lcurScoreStart%
+    \ifx\rootAtBottomFlag\myTrue%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\box\lcurBox\unhcopy\myBoxA\box\ccurBox%
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rcurBox
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rrcurBox
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rrrcurBox}%
+    \else%
+        \htLbox = \ht\lcurBox%
+        \htAbox = \ht\myBoxA%
+        \htCbox = \ht\ccurBox%
+        \htRbox = \ht\rcurBox%
+        \htRRbox = \ht\rrcurBox%
+        \htRRRbox = \ht\rrrcurBox%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\lower\htLbox\box\lcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htCbox\box\ccurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRbox\box\rcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRRbox\box\rrcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRRRbox\box\rrrcurBox}%
+    \fi%
+    % Adjust center of upper hypotheses according to how much
+    %   the lower sequent is off-center.
+    \displace=\newCenter%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreStart%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by \displace%
+    %Align and join the curBox and the two hypotheses's box into one vbox.
+    \edef\curBox{\lcurBox}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\lcurScoreStart}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\lcurScoreEnd}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\lcurCenter}%
+    \joinUnary%
+\def\buildConclusion#1#2{% Build lower sequent w/ center at \fCenter position.
+    % Define the boxes
+        \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{$\mathord{#1}\fCenter\mathord{\relax}$}%
+        \setbox\myBoxB=\hbox{$#2$}%
+    % Put them together in \myBoxC
+    \setbox\myBoxC =%
+          \hbox{\hskip\ScoreOverhangLeft\relax%
+        \unhcopy\myBoxA\unhcopy\myBoxB\hskip\ScoreOverhangRight\relax}%
+    % Calculate the center of the \myBoxC string.
+    \newScoreStart=0pt \relax%
+    \newCenter=\wd\myBoxA \relax%
+    \advance \newCenter by \ScoreOverhangLeft%
+    \newScoreEnd=\wd\myBoxC%
+\def\buildConclusionC#1{% Build lower sequent w/o \fCenter present.
+        % Define the box.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{#1}%
+    \setbox\myBoxC =%
+        \hbox{\hbox{\hskip\ScoreOverhangLeft\relax%
+                        \unhcopy\myBoxA\hskip\ScoreOverhangRight\relax}}%
+    % Calculate kerning to line up centers
+    \newScoreStart=0pt \relax%
+    \newCenter=.5\wd\myBoxC \relax%
+    \newScoreEnd=\wd\myBoxC%
+        \advance \newCenter by \ScoreOverhangLeft%
+\def\joinUnary{%Align and join \curBox and \myBoxC into a single vbox
+    \global\advance\curCenter by -\hypKernAmt%
+    \ifnum\curCenter<\newCenter%
+        \displace=\newCenter%
+        \advance \displace by -\curCenter%
+        \kernUpperBox%
+    \else%
+        \displace=\curCenter%
+        \advance \displace by -\newCenter%
+        \kernLowerBox%
+    \fi%
+        \ifnum \newScoreStart < \curScoreStart %
+        \global \curScoreStart = \newScoreStart \fi%
+    \ifnum \curScoreEnd < \newScoreEnd %
+        \global \curScoreEnd = \newScoreEnd \fi%
+    % Leave room for the left label.
+    \ifnum \curScoreStart<\wd\myBoxLL%
+        \global\displace = \wd\myBoxLL%
+        \global\advance\displace by -\curScoreStart%
+        \kernUpperBox%
+        \kernLowerBox%
+    \fi%
+    % Draw the score
+    \buildScore%
+    % Form the score and labels into a box.
+    \buildScoreLabels%
+    % Form the new box and its dimensions
+    \ifx\rootAtBottomFlag\myTrue%
+        \buildRootBottom%
+    \else%
+        \buildRootTop%
+    \fi%
+    \global \curScoreStart=\newScoreStart%
+    \global \curScoreEnd=\newScoreEnd%
+    \global \curCenter=\newCenter%
+    \global \setbox \curBox =%
+        \vbox{\box\curBox%
+            \vskip\thisAboveSkip \relax%
+            \nointerlineskip\box\myBoxD%
+            \vskip\thisBelowSkip \relax%
+            \nointerlineskip\box\myBoxC}%
+    \global \setbox \curBox =%
+        \vbox{\box\myBoxC%
+            \vskip\thisAboveSkip \relax%
+            \nointerlineskip\box\myBoxD%
+            \vskip\thisBelowSkip \relax%
+            \nointerlineskip\box\curBox}%
+        \global\setbox\curBox =%
+            \hbox{\hskip\displace\box\curBox}%
+        \global\advance \curScoreStart by \displace%
+        \global\advance \curScoreEnd by \displace%
+        \global\advance\curCenter by \displace%
+        \global\setbox\myBoxC =%
+            \hbox{\hskip\displace\unhbox\myBoxC}%
+        \global\advance \newScoreStart by \displace%
+        \global\advance \newScoreEnd by \displace%
+        \global\advance\newCenter by \displace%
+\def\joinBinary{% Construct the binary inference into a vbox.
+    % Join the two hypotheses's boxes into one hbox.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{\theHypSeparation}%
+    \lcurScoreEnd=\rcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\lcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\myBoxA%
+    \displace=\lcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\displace by -\lcurScoreStart%
+    \lcurCenter=.5\displace%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by\lcurScoreStart%
+    \ifx\rootAtBottomFlag\myTrue%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\box\lcurBox\unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rcurBox}%
+    \else%
+        \htLbox = \ht\lcurBox%
+        \htAbox = \ht\myBoxA%
+        \htRbox = \ht\rcurBox%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\lower\htLbox\box\lcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\box\myBoxA\lower\htRbox\box\rcurBox}%
+    \fi%
+    % Adjust center of upper hypotheses according to how much
+    %   the lower sequent is off-center.
+    \displace=\newCenter%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreStart%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by \displace%
+    %Align and join the curBox and the two hypotheses's box into one vbox.
+    \edef\curBox{\lcurBox}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\lcurScoreStart}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\lcurScoreEnd}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\lcurCenter}%
+    \joinUnary%
+\def\joinTrinary{% Construct the trinary inference into a vbox.
+    % Join the three hypotheses's boxes into one hbox.
+    \setbox\myBoxA=\hbox{\theHypSeparation}%
+    \lcurScoreEnd=\rcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\lcurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by\wd\ccurBox%
+    \advance\lcurScoreEnd by2\wd\myBoxA%
+    \displace=\lcurScoreEnd%
+    \advance\displace by -\lcurScoreStart%
+    \lcurCenter=.5\displace%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by\lcurScoreStart%
+    \ifx\rootAtBottomFlag\myTrue%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\box\lcurBox\unhcopy\myBoxA\box\ccurBox%
+                      \unhcopy\myBoxA\box\rcurBox}%
+    \else%
+        \htLbox = \ht\lcurBox%
+        \htAbox = \ht\myBoxA%
+        \htCbox = \ht\ccurBox%
+        \htRbox = \ht\rcurBox%
+        \setbox\lcurBox=%
+            \hbox{\lower\htLbox\box\lcurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htCbox\box\ccurBox%
+                  \lower\htAbox\copy\myBoxA\lower\htRbox\box\rcurBox}%
+    \fi%
+    % Adjust center of upper hypotheses according to how much
+    %   the lower sequent is off-center.
+    \displace=\newCenter%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreStart%
+    \advance\displace by -.5\newScoreEnd%
+    \advance\lcurCenter by \displace%
+    %Align and join the curBox and the two hypotheses's box into one vbox.
+    \edef\curBox{\lcurBox}%
+    \edef\curScoreStart{\lcurScoreStart}%
+    \edef\curScoreEnd{\lcurScoreEnd}%
+    \edef\curCenter{\lcurCenter}%
+    \joinUnary%
+    % Display (and purge) the proof tree.
+    % Choose the appropriate vertical alignment.
+    \ifnum \theLevel=1 \relax \else%x
+        \errmessage{Proof tree badly specified.}%
+    \fi%
+    \edef\curBox{\thecur{myBox}}%
+    \ifx\bottomAlignFlag\myTrue%
+        \displace=0pt%
+    \else%
+        \displace=.5\ht\curBox%
+        \ifx\centerAlignFlag\myTrue\relax
+        \else%
+                \advance\displace by -3pt%
+        \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \leavevmode%
+    \lower\displace\hbox{\copy\curBox}%
+    \global\theLevel=0%
+    \global\def\alwaysBuildScore{\defaultBuildScore}% Restore "always"
+    \global\def\alwaysScoreFiller{\defaultScoreFiller}% Restore "always"
+    \global\def\bottomAlignFlag{N}%
+    \global\def\centerAlignFlag{N}%
+    \resetRootPosition
+    \resetInferenceDefaults%
+    \ignorespaces
+\def\buildSingleScore{% Make an hbox with a single score.
+    \displace=\curScoreEnd%
+    \advance \displace by -\curScoreStart%
+    \global\setbox \myBoxD =%
+        \hbox to \displace{\expandafter\xleaders\theScoreFiller\hfill}%
+    %\global\setbox \myBoxD =%
+        %\hbox{\hskip\curScoreStart\relax \box\myBoxD}%
+\def\buildDoubleScore{% Make an hbox with a double score.
+    \buildSingleScore%
+    \global\setbox\myBoxD=%
+        \hbox{\hbox to0pt{\copy\myBoxD\hss}\raise2pt\copy\myBoxD}%
+\def\buildNoScore{% Make an hbox with no score (raise a little anyway)
+    \global\setbox\myBoxD=\hbox{\vbox{\vskip1pt}}%
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildDoubleScore}% Set next score to this type
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysBuildScore{\buildDoubleScore}% Do double for rest of proof.
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildDoubleScore}% Set next score to be double
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildSingleScore}% Set next score to be single
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysBuildScore{\buildSingleScore}% Do single for rest of proof.
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildSingleScore}% Set next score to be single
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildNoScore}% Set next score to this type
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysBuildScore{\buildNoScore}%Do nolines for rest of proof.
+    \gdef\buildScore{\buildNoScore}% Set next score to be blank
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\ruleScoreFiller}% Use solid horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysScoreFiller{\ruleScoreFiller}% Do solid for rest of proof
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\ruleScoreFiller}% Use solid horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\dottedScoreFiller}% Use dotted horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysScoreFiller{\dottedScoreFiller}% Do dotted for rest of proof
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\dottedScoreFiller}% Use dotted horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\dashedScoreFiller}% Use dashed horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\alwaysScoreFiller{\dashedScoreFiller}% Do dashed for rest of proof
+    \gdef\theScoreFiller{\dashedScoreFiller}% Use dashed horizontal line.
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\hypKernAmt{#1}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \gdef\theHypSeparation{#1}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \def\centerAlignFlag{Y}%
+    \def\bottomAlignFlag{N}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \def\centerAlignFlag{N}%
+    \def\bottomAlignFlag{Y}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \def\centerAlignFlag{N}%
+    \def\bottomAlignFlag{N}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \global\setbox\myBoxLL=\hbox{{#1}\hskip\labelSpacing}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \global\setbox\myBoxRL=\hbox{\hskip\labelSpacing #1}%
+    \ignorespaces
+    \scoreHeight = \ht\myBoxD%
+    \scoreDepth = \dp\myBoxD%
+    \leftLowerAmt=\ht\myBoxLL%
+    \advance \leftLowerAmt by -\dp\myBoxLL%
+    \advance \leftLowerAmt by -\scoreHeight%
+    \advance \leftLowerAmt by \scoreDepth%
+    \leftLowerAmt=.5\leftLowerAmt%
+    \rightLowerAmt=\ht\myBoxRL%
+    \advance \rightLowerAmt by -\dp\myBoxRL%
+    \advance \rightLowerAmt by -\scoreHeight%
+    \advance \rightLowerAmt by \scoreDepth%
+    \rightLowerAmt=.5\rightLowerAmt%
+    \displace = \curScoreStart%
+    \advance\displace by -\wd\myBoxLL%
+    \global\setbox\myBoxD =%
+        \hbox{\hskip\displace%
+            \lower\leftLowerAmt\copy\myBoxLL%
+            \box\myBoxD%
+            \lower\rightLowerAmt\copy\myBoxRL}%
+    \global\thisAboveSkip = \ht\myBoxLL%
+    \global\advance \thisAboveSkip by -\leftLowerAmt%
+    \global\advance \thisAboveSkip by -\scoreHeight%
+    \ifnum \thisAboveSkip<0 %
+        \global\thisAboveSkip=0pt%
+    \fi%
+    \displace = \ht\myBoxRL%
+    \advance \displace by -\rightLowerAmt%
+    \advance \displace by -\scoreHeight%
+    \ifnum \displace<0 %
+        \displace=0pt%
+    \fi%
+    \ifnum \displace>\thisAboveSkip %
+        \global\thisAboveSkip=\displace%
+    \fi%
+    \global\thisBelowSkip = \dp\myBoxLL%
+    \global\advance\thisBelowSkip by \leftLowerAmt%
+    \global\advance\thisBelowSkip by -\scoreDepth%
+    \ifnum\thisBelowSkip<0 %
+        \global\thisBelowSkip = 0pt%
+    \fi%
+    \displace = \dp\myBoxRL%
+    \advance\displace by \rightLowerAmt%
+    \advance\displace by -\scoreDepth%
+    \ifnum\displace<0 %
+        \displace = 0pt%
+    \fi%
+    \ifnum\displace>\thisBelowSkip%
+        \global\thisBelowSkip = \displace%
+    \fi%
+    \global\thisAboveSkip = -\thisAboveSkip%
+    \global\thisBelowSkip = -\thisBelowSkip%
+    \global\advance\thisAboveSkip by\extraVskip% Extra space above line
+    \global\advance\thisBelowSkip by\extraVskip% Extra space below line
+    \global\def\theHypSeparation{\defaultHypSeparation}%
+    \global\setbox\myBoxLL=\hbox{\defaultLeftLabel}%
+    \global\setbox\myBoxRL=\hbox{\defaultRightLabel}%
+    \global\def\buildScore{\alwaysBuildScore}%
+    \global\def\theScoreFiller{\alwaysScoreFiller}%
+    \gdef\hypKernAmt{0pt}% Restore to zero kerning.
+    \global\def\rootAtBottomFlag{Y}%
+    \global\def\rootAtBottomFlag{N}%
+    \global\edef\rootAtBottomFlag{\defaultRootAtBottomFlag}
+    \global\def\defaultRootAtBottomFlag{Y}
+    \rootAtBottom
+    \global\def\defaultRootAtBottomFlag{N}
+    \rootAtTop
Binary file poster/modus-ponens/modus-ponens.pdf has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/poster/modus-ponens/modus-ponens.tex	Sat Feb 18 15:43:30 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% {{{ settings
+% vim:set fileencoding=utf8:
+% equation number with section number
+% }}}
+    \AxiomC{ $ [A] $ $_{(1)}$}
+    \AxiomC{ [$ (A \Rightarrow B) \land (B \Rightarrow C)$] $_{(2)}$ }
+    \RightLabel{ $ \land 1 \mathcal{E} $ }
+    \UnaryInfC{ $ (A \Rightarrow B) $ }
+    \RightLabel{ $ \Rightarrow \mathcal{E} $}
+    \BinaryInfC{ $ B $ }
+    \AxiomC{ [$ (A \Rightarrow B) \land (B \Rightarrow C)$] $_{(2)}$ }
+    \RightLabel{ $ \land 2 \mathcal{E} $ }
+    \UnaryInfC{ $ (B \Rightarrow C) $ }
+    \RightLabel{ $ \Rightarrow \mathcal{E} $}
+    \BinaryInfC{ $ C $ }
+    \RightLabel{ $ \Rightarrow \mathcal{I} _{(1)}$}
+    \UnaryInfC{ $ A \Rightarrow C $}
+    \RightLabel{ $ \Rightarrow \mathcal{I} _{(2)}$}
+    \UnaryInfC{ $ ((A \Rightarrow B) \land (B \Rightarrow C)) \Rightarrow (A \Rightarrow C) $}