3 @article{agda,
4 author = {Norell, Ulf},
5 title = {Dependently Typed Programming in Agda},
6 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation},
7 series = {TLDI '09},
8 year = {2009},
9 isbn = {978-1-60558-420-1},
10 location = {Savannah, GA, USA},
11 pages = {1--2},
12 numpages = {2},
13 doi = {10.1145/1481861.1481862},
14 acmid = {1481862},
15 publisher = {ACM},
16 address = {New York, NY, USA},
17 keywords = {dependent types, programming},
18 }
22 @article{xv6,
23 author = "坂本 昂弘 and 桃原 優 and 河野 真治",
24 title = "継続を用いたx.v6 kernelの書き換え",
25 year = "2019",
26 institution = "琉球大学工学部情報工学科, 琉球大学大学院理工学研究科情報工学専攻, 琉球大学工学部情報工学科",
27 journal = "情報処理学会システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会(OS)",
28 number = "4",
29 month = "may"
30 }
32 @article{
33 gearsOS2,
34 author = "宮城 光希 and 桃原 優 and 河野真治",
35 title = {Code Gear と Data Gear を持つ Gears OS の設計},
36 journal = {第59回プログラミング・シンポジウム},
37 month = "Jan",
38 year = 2018
39 }
40 @article{
41 tauble,
42 author = "下地篤樹 and 河野真治",
43 title = {タブロー法を用いたContinuation based C プログラムの検証},
44 journal = {日本ソフトウェア科学会第23回大会},
45 year = 2006
46 }
47 @article{
48 CbC,
49 author = "河野真治",
50 title = {継続を持つCの下位言語によるシステム記述},
51 journal = {日本ソフトウェア科学会第17回大会},
52 year = 2000
53 }
54 @article{
55 tauble2,
56 author = "比嘉 薫 and 河野真治",
57 title = {タブロー法の負荷分散について},
58 journal = {日本ソフトウェア科学会第18回論文集},
59 year = 2001
60 }
61 @article{
62 agda-ryokka,
63 author = "外間政尊 and 河野真治",
64 title = "GearsOS の Hoare Logic をべースにした検証手法",
65 journal = "ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会",
66 month = "Jan",
67 year = 2019
68 }
70 @article{
71 gears,
72 author = "河野 真治 and 伊波 立樹 and 東恩納 琢偉",
73 title = "Code Gear、Data Gear に基づく OS のプロトタイプ",
74 journal = "情報処理学会システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会(OS)",
75 month = "May",
76 year = 2016
77 }
78 @article{
79 llvmcbc,
80 author = "Kaito TOKKMORI and Shinji KONO",
81 title = "Implementing Continuation based language in LLVM and Clang",
82 journal = "LOLA 2015",
83 month = "July",
84 year = 2015
85 }
88 @article{extensionIceframework,
89 author = "{Adrien Champion, Tomoya Chiba, Naoki Kobayashi and Ryosuke Sato}",
90 title = "{ICE-based Refinement Type Discovery for Higher-Order Functional Programs}",
91 journal ="TACAS 2018",
92 year = {2018},
93 }
95 @article{HigherOrder,
96 author = "{Naoki Kobayashi, Takeshi Tsukada, and Keiichi Watanabe}",
97 title = "{Higher-Order Program Verification via HFL Model Checking}",
98 journal ="ESOP 2018",
99 year = {2018},
100 }
103 @inproceedings{EdmundM,
104 author = "{Edmund M. Clarke, Jr}",
105 booktitle = "{Model Checking, Second Edition}",
106 year = {2018},}
108 @misc{graph,
109 author = "{蓮尾 一郎}",
110 pagetitle = "{モデル検査入門}",
111 year = {2009},
112 URL = {http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~cs/lecture2009/lecture09ModelChecking.pdf},}