1 package pathfinder.BlockingQ;
3 import java.util.ArrayList;
4 import java.util.List;
6 public class SeMaSimulator<P> extends Thread {
7 private int MAX_PACKET;
8 private int MAX_CLIENT;
9 private boolean running=true;
10 private NetworkSimulator<P> ns;
11 private List<ChannelSimulator<P>> csList;
13 public SeMaSimulator(NetworkSimulator<P> _ns, int max_client, int max_packet){
14 ns = _ns;
15 MAX_CLIENT = max_client;
16 MAX_PACKET = max_packet;
17 csList = new ArrayList<ChannelSimulator<P>>();
18 }
19 public SeMaSimulator(NetworkSimulator<P> _ns){
20 this(_ns, 2, 0);
21 }
23 synchronized public void finish(){
24 synchronized(ns){
25 running = false;
26 ns.notify();
27 }
28 }
30 /**
31 * Check whether the NetworkSimulator hold waiting connections.
32 */
33 private void checkAccept(){
34 ChannelSimulator<P> cs;
35 while((cs=ns.accept())!=null){
36 csList.add(cs);
37 }
38 }
40 public void run(){
41 int i=0;
42 int count=0;
43 P packet;
45 while(csList.size()<MAX_CLIENT){ checkAccept(); Thread.yield(); }
46 System.out.println("SessionManager start.");
48 /* Main Loop */
49 ChannelSimulator<P> cs = csList.get(i);
50 while(running
51 && (MAX_PACKET==0 || count<MAX_PACKET)){
52 synchronized(ns){
53 int prev_i=i;
54 while((packet=cs.poll())==null && running){
55 i = (i+1)%csList.size(); // i++
56 cs = csList.get(i); // 次のChennelをゲット
57 if(i==prev_i) try { ns.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
58 }
59 }
60 if(!running) break;
62 System.out.println("SeMa pass packet to "+i+":>> "+packet.toString());
63 i = (i+1)%csList.size(); // i++
64 cs = csList.get(i); // 次のChennelをゲット
66 // readできていたならそれを書き込む
67 try {
68 cs.write(packet);
69 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
70 System.out.println("SeMa cannot write!!");
71 e.printStackTrace();
72 }
73 count++;
74 }
75 /*
76 ChannelSimulator<P> cs = csList.get(i);
77 while(running
78 && MAX_PACKET==0 || count<MAX_PACKET){
79 packet=cs.poll(); // [i]からread
80 //if(packet!=null) System.out.println("SeMa catch packet to "+i+":>> "+packet.toString());
81 i = (i+1)%csList.size(); // i++
82 cs = csList.get(i); // 次のChennelをゲット
83 if (packet!=null) {
84 System.out.println("SeMa pass packet to "+i+":>> "+packet.toString());
85 cs.write(packet); // readできていたならそれを書き込む
86 count++;
87 }
88 //if (i==0) checkAccept(); //全部回ったらaccept待ちをチェック
89 }
90 */
91 System.out.println("SessionManager finish.");
92 }
93 }