1 package sample.merge;
3 import java.util.ArrayList;
4 import java.util.Collection;
5 import java.util.LinkedList;
6 import java.util.Stack;
8 import remoteeditor.command.REPCommand;
9 import remoteeditor.network.REP;
11 public class TranslaterImp1 implements Translater{
12 //List <REPCommand> userList;
13 //List <REPCommand> tokenList;
14 private LinkedList<REPCommand> sentCmds;
15 //private LinkedList<REPCommand> unMergedCmds;
16 private Stack<REPCommand> unMergedCmds;
17 public int eid;
19 public TranslaterImp1(int _eid){
20 eid = _eid;
21 sentCmds = new LinkedList<REPCommand>();
22 unMergedCmds = new Stack<REPCommand>();
23 }
25 /**
26 * Translate cmd When the editor send REPCommand.
27 * but now, Only adding cmd to the queue is available.
28 * @param cmd
29 * @return translated command.
30 */
31 public REPCommand transSendCmd(REPCommand cmd){
32 sentCmds.add(cmd);
33 unMergedCmds.push(cmd);
34 return cmd;
35 }
36 /**
37 * Dequeue command cmd that was returned.
38 * @param cmd
39 */
40 public REPCommand[] catchOwnCommand(REPCommand cmd){
41 ArrayList<REPCommand> returnCmds = new ArrayList<REPCommand>();
42 ArrayList<REPCommand> cmds = new ArrayList<REPCommand>();
43 // ringである以上、戻ってきたコマンドは確実にキューsentCmdsの先頭にある事を期待している
44 //REPCommand cmd0 = sentCmds.poll();
45 //assert cmd0.seq!=cmd.seq;
46 assert cmd.eid==eid;
48 /* スタックから全部取り出してマージする まだマージできないやつはまたスタックへ戻す */
49 while ( !unMergedCmds.isEmpty() ){
50 REPCommand cmd0 = unMergedCmds.pop();
51 returnCmds.add( createUndo(cmd0) );
52 cmds.add(cmd0);
53 }
54 //if (cmds.size()==0) return null;
55 returnCmds.addAll( sortCmds(cmds) );
56 return returnCmds.toArray(new REPCommand[0]);
57 }
59 private REPCommand createUndo(REPCommand cmd){
60 //REPCommand retCmd = cmd.clone();
61 REPCommand retCmd = new REPCommand(cmd.cmd, cmd.sid, cmd.eid, cmd.seq, cmd.lineno, cmd.string.length(), cmd.string);
63 if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT) retCmd.cmd=REP.REPCMD_DELETE;
64 else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE) retCmd.cmd=REP.REPCMD_INSERT;
65 return retCmd;
66 }
68 private ArrayList<REPCommand> sortCmds(ArrayList<REPCommand> cmds) {
69 ArrayList<REPCommand> sortedCmds = new ArrayList<REPCommand>();
70 REPCommand cmd0;
71 int prevEid=0;
72 int i,j;
74 /* EID,SEQの低い順に、各EID毎に1個だけ選択しcmdsに格納 */
75 while ( null != (cmd0=getPrecedence(cmds, prevEid+1)) ){
76 sortedCmds.add(cmd0);
77 cmds.remove(cmd0);
78 prevEid = cmd0.eid;
79 }
81 /* lineno の大きい順にソート */
82 for (i=0; i<sortedCmds.size(); i++){
83 int k=i;
84 for (j=i+1; j<sortedCmds.size(); j++){
85 if ( sortedCmds.get(k).lineno > sortedCmds.get(j).lineno ) continue;
86 else if ( sortedCmds.get(k).lineno < sortedCmds.get(j).lineno
87 || sortedCmds.get(k).eid > sortedCmds.get(j).eid )
88 /* deleteとinsertの場合などはeidによらず、順序を強制する必要があるかも */
89 k=j;
90 }
91 cmd0 = sortedCmds.get(i);
92 sortedCmds.set(i, sortedCmds.get(k));
93 sortedCmds.set(k, cmd0);
94 }
95 return sortedCmds;
96 }
98 /* search cmd. ordering by min EID that is lower lowEid and min SEQ. */
99 private REPCommand getPrecedence(ArrayList<REPCommand> cmds, int lowEid) {
100 int cEid, cSeq;
101 cEid=cSeq=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
102 REPCommand ret=null;
103 for (int i=0; i<cmds.size(); i++){
104 REPCommand tmp = cmds.get(i);
105 if ( tmp.eid<lowEid ) continue;
106 else if ( tmp.eid>cEid ) continue;
107 else if ( tmp.eid==cEid ) {
108 if ( tmp.seq>cSeq ) continue;
109 cSeq=tmp.seq;
110 ret = tmp;
111 } else { /* tmp.eid<cEid */
112 cEid = tmp.eid;
113 cSeq = tmp.seq;
114 ret = tmp;
115 }
116 //if ( cEid>cmds.get(i) && cmds.get(i)>lowEid )
117 }
118 return ret;
119 }
121 /**
122 * Translate Command cmd that was received from SeMa.
123 * @param cmd the command to be translated.
124 * @return translated commannd.
125 */
126 public REPCommand[] transReceiveCmd(REPCommand cmd){
127 int i=0;
128 REPCommand cmds[];
129 if (cmd.eid==eid){
130 return catchOwnCommand(cmd);
131 }
133 for (REPCommand cmd0 : unMergedCmds){
134 if (cmd0.eid==cmd.eid) i++;
135 }
137 if ( sentCmds.size()<i ){
138 cmds = new REPCommand[2];
139 String str = "NO OPERATION";
140 cmds[0] = new REPCommand(REP.REPCMD_NOP, 0, eid, 0, 0, str.length(), str);
141 cmds[1] = cmd;
142 //unMergedCmds.push(cmds[0]);
143 unMergedCmds.push(cmd);
144 sentCmds.add(cmds[0]);
145 return cmds;
146 }
148 unMergedCmds.push(cmd); /* but.. */
149 cmds = new REPCommand[1];
150 cmds[0] = cmd;
151 return cmds;
152 }
154 public void setEid(int _eid){
155 eid = _eid;
156 }
157 }