1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: ObjC++
3 " Maintainer: Anthony Hodsdon <ahodsdon@fastmail.fm>
4 " Last change: 2003 Apr 25
6 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
7 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
8 if version < 600
9 syntax clear
10 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
11 finish
12 endif
14 " Read in C++ and ObjC syntax files
15 if version < 600
16 so <sfile>:p:h/cpp.vim
17 so <sflie>:p:h/objc.vim
18 else
19 runtime! syntax/cpp.vim
20 unlet b:current_syntax
21 runtime! syntax/objc.vim
22 endif
24 " Note that we already have a region for method calls ( [objc_class method] )
25 " by way of cBracket.
26 syn region objCFunc start="^\s*[-+]" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,cErrInParen,cErrInBracket
28 syn keyword objCppNonStructure class template namespace transparent contained
29 syn keyword objCppNonStatement new delete friend using transparent contained
31 let b:current_syntax = "objcpp"