1 " Vim syntax file
2 " This is a GENERATED FILE. Please always refer to source file at the URI below.
3 " Language: OpenSSH server configuration file (ssh_config)
4 " Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
5 " Last Change: 2006-03-05
6 " URL: http://trific.ath.cx/Ftp/vim/syntax/sshconfig.vim
8 " Setup
9 if version >= 600
10 if exists("b:current_syntax")
11 finish
12 endif
13 else
14 syntax clear
15 endif
17 if version >= 600
18 setlocal iskeyword=_,-,a-z,A-Z,48-57
19 else
20 set iskeyword=_,-,a-z,A-Z,48-57
21 endif
23 syn case ignore
25 " Comments
26 syn match sshconfigComment "#.*$" contains=sshconfigTodo
27 syn keyword sshconfigTodo TODO FIXME NOT contained
29 " Constants
30 syn keyword sshconfigYesNo yes no ask
31 syn keyword sshconfigCipher blowfish des 3des
32 syn keyword sshconfigCipher aes128-cbc 3des-cbc blowfish-cbc cast128-cbc
33 syn keyword sshconfigCipher aes192-cbc aes256-cbc aes128-ctr aes256-ctr
34 syn keyword sshconfigCipher arcfour arcfour128 arcfour256 cast128-cbc
35 syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-md5 hmac-sha1 hmac-ripemd160 hmac-sha1-96
36 syn keyword sshconfigMAC hmac-md5-96
37 syn keyword sshconfigHostKeyAlg ssh-rsa ssh-dss
38 syn keyword sshconfigPreferredAuth hostbased publickey password
39 syn keyword sshconfigPreferredAuth keyboard-interactive
40 syn keyword sshconfigLogLevel QUIET FATAL ERROR INFO VERBOSE
41 syn keyword sshconfigLogLevel DEBUG DEBUG1 DEBUG2 DEBUG3
42 syn keyword sshconfigSysLogFacility DAEMON USER AUTH LOCAL0 LOCAL1 LOCAL2
43 syn keyword sshconfigSysLogFacility LOCAL3 LOCAL4 LOCAL5 LOCAL6 LOCAL7
44 syn match sshconfigSpecial "[*?]"
45 syn match sshconfigNumber "\d\+"
46 syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
47 syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\([-a-zA-Z0-9]\+\.\)\+[-a-zA-Z0-9]\{2,}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
48 syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\x\{,4}:\)\+\x\{,4}[:/]\d\+\>"
50 " Keywords
51 syn keyword sshconfigHostSect Host
52 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword AddressFamily BatchMode BindAddress
53 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ChallengeResponseAuthentication CheckHostIP
54 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Cipher Ciphers ClearAllForwardings
55 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Compression CompressionLevel ConnectTimeout
56 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ConnectionAttempts ControlMaster
57 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ControlPath DynamicForward EnableSSHKeysign
58 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword EscapeChar ForwardAgent ForwardX11
59 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ForwardX11Trusted GSSAPIAuthentication
60 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GSSAPIDelegateCredentials GatewayPorts
61 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword GlobalKnownHostsFile HostKeyAlgorithms
62 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HashKnownHosts KbdInteractiveDevices
63 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword HostKeyAlias HostName HostbasedAuthentication
64 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword IdentitiesOnly IdentityFile LocalForward
65 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword LogLevel MACs NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost
66 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword NumberOfPasswordPrompts PasswordAuthentication
67 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword Port PreferredAuthentications Protocol
68 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword ProxyCommand PubkeyAuthentication
69 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RSAAuthentication RemoteForward
70 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword RhostsAuthentication RhostsRSAAuthentication
71 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SendEnv ServerAliveCountMax ServerAliveInterval
72 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword SmartcardDevice StrictHostKeyChecking
73 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword TCPKeepAlive UsePrivilegedPort User
74 syn keyword sshconfigKeyword UserKnownHostsFile VerifyHostKeyDNS XAuthLocation
76 " Define the default highlighting
77 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sshconfig_syntax_inits")
78 if version < 508
79 let did_sshconfig_syntax_inits = 1
80 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
81 else
82 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
83 endif
85 HiLink sshconfigComment Comment
86 HiLink sshconfigTodo Todo
87 HiLink sshconfigHostPort sshconfigConstant
88 HiLink sshconfigNumber sshconfigConstant
89 HiLink sshconfigConstant Constant
90 HiLink sshconfigYesNo sshconfigEnum
91 HiLink sshconfigCipher sshconfigEnum
92 HiLink sshconfigMAC sshconfigEnum
93 HiLink sshconfigHostKeyAlg sshconfigEnum
94 HiLink sshconfigLogLevel sshconfigEnum
95 HiLink sshconfigSysLogFacility sshconfigEnum
96 HiLink sshconfigPreferredAuth sshconfigEnum
97 HiLink sshconfigEnum Function
98 HiLink sshconfigSpecial Special
99 HiLink sshconfigKeyword Keyword
100 HiLink sshconfigHostSect Type
101 delcommand HiLink
102 endif
104 let b:current_syntax = "sshconfig"