view runtime/syntax/lex.vim @ 49:000769ce6c9d default tip

Added tag v7-3-618 for changeset 67300faee616
author Shinji KONO <>
date Wed, 01 Aug 2012 18:08:37 +0900
parents c16898406ff2
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	Lex
" Maintainer:	Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
" Last Change:	Nov 01, 2010
" Version:	12
" URL:
" Option:
"   lex_uses_cpp : if this variable exists, then C++ is loaded rather than C

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

" Read the C/C++ syntax to start with
if version >= 600
  if exists("lex_uses_cpp")
    runtime! syntax/cpp.vim
    runtime! syntax/c.vim
  unlet b:current_syntax
  if exists("lex_uses_cpp")
    so <sfile>:p:h/cpp.vim
    so <sfile>:p:h/c.vim

" --- ========= ---
" --- Lex stuff ---
" --- ========= ---

" Options Section
syn match lexOptions '^%\s*option\>.*$' contains=lexPatString

"I'd prefer to use lex.* , but vim doesn't handle forward definitions yet
syn cluster lexListGroup		contains=lexAbbrvBlock,lexAbbrv,lexAbbrv,lexAbbrvRegExp,lexInclude,lexPatBlock,lexPat,lexBrace,lexPatString,lexPatTag,lexPatTag,lexPatComment,lexPatCodeLine,lexMorePat,lexPatSep,lexSlashQuote,lexPatCode,cInParen,cUserLabel,cOctalZero,cCppSkip,cErrInBracket,cErrInParen,cOctalError,cCppOut2,cCommentStartError,cParenError
syn cluster lexListPatCodeGroup	contains=lexAbbrvBlock,lexAbbrv,lexAbbrv,lexAbbrvRegExp,lexInclude,lexPatBlock,lexPat,lexBrace,lexPatTag,lexPatTag,lexPatTagZoneStart,lexPatComment,lexPatCodeLine,lexMorePat,lexPatSep,lexSlashQuote,cInParen,cUserLabel,cOctalZero,cCppSkip,cErrInBracket,cErrInParen,cOctalError,cCppOut2,cCommentStartError,cParenError

" Abbreviations Section
if has("folding")
 syn region lexAbbrvBlock	fold start="^\(\h\+\s\|%{\)"	end="^\ze%%$"	skipnl	nextgroup=lexPatBlock contains=lexAbbrv,lexInclude,lexAbbrvComment,lexStartState
 syn region lexAbbrvBlock	start="^\(\h\+\s\|%{\)"	end="^\ze%%$"	skipnl	nextgroup=lexPatBlock contains=lexAbbrv,lexInclude,lexAbbrvComment,lexStartState
syn match  lexAbbrv		"^\I\i*\s"me=e-1			skipwhite	contained nextgroup=lexAbbrvRegExp
syn match  lexAbbrv		"^%[sx]"					contained
syn match  lexAbbrvRegExp	"\s\S.*$"lc=1				contained nextgroup=lexAbbrv,lexInclude
if has("folding")
 syn region lexInclude	fold matchgroup=lexSep	start="^%{"	end="%}"	contained	contains=ALLBUT,@lexListGroup
 syn region lexAbbrvComment	fold			start="^\s\+/\*"	end="\*/"	contains=@Spell
 syn region lexStartState	fold matchgroup=lexAbbrv	start="^%\a\+"	end="$"	contained
 syn region lexInclude	matchgroup=lexSep		start="^%{"	end="%}"	contained	contains=ALLBUT,@lexListGroup
 syn region lexAbbrvComment				start="^\s\+/\*"	end="\*/"	contains=@Spell
 syn region lexStartState	matchgroup=lexAbbrv		start="^%\a\+"	end="$"	contained

"%% : Patterns {Actions}
if has("folding")
 syn region lexPatBlock	fold matchgroup=Todo	start="^%%$" matchgroup=Todo	end="^%%$"	skipnl	skipwhite	contains=lexPatTag,lexPatTagZone,lexPatComment,lexPat,lexPatInclude
 syn region lexPat		fold			start=+\S+ skip="\\\\\|\\."	end="\s"me=e-1		contained nextgroup=lexMorePat,lexPatSep contains=lexPatTag,lexPatString,lexSlashQuote,lexBrace
 syn region lexPatInclude	fold matchgroup=lexSep	start="^%{"	end="%}"	contained	contains=lexPatCode
 syn region lexBrace	fold			start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\+	end="]"			contained
 syn region lexPatString	fold matchgroup=String	start=+"+	skip=+\\\\\|\\"+	matchgroup=String end=+"+	contained
 syn region lexPatBlock	matchgroup=Todo		start="^%%$" matchgroup=Todo	end="^%%$"	skipnl	skipwhite	contains=lexPatTag,lexPatTagZone,lexPatComment,lexPat,lexPatInclude
 syn region lexPat					start=+\S+ skip="\\\\\|\\."	end="\s"me=e-1		contained nextgroup=lexMorePat,lexPatSep contains=lexPatTag,lexPatString,lexSlashQuote,lexBrace
 syn region lexPatInclude	matchgroup=lexSep		start="^%{"	end="%}"	contained	contains=lexPatCode
 syn region lexBrace				start="\[" skip=+\\\\\|\\+	end="]"			contained
 syn region lexPatString	matchgroup=String		start=+"+	skip=+\\\\\|\\"+	matchgroup=String end=+"+	contained
syn match  lexPatTag	"^<\I\i*\(,\I\i*\)*>"			contained nextgroup=lexPat,lexPatTag,lexMorePat,lexPatSep
syn match  lexPatTagZone	"^<\I\i*\(,\I\i*\)*>\s*\ze{"		contained nextgroup=lexPatTagZoneStart
syn match  lexPatTag	+^<\I\i*\(,\I\i*\)*>*\(\\\\\)*\\"+		contained nextgroup=lexPat,lexPatTag,lexMorePat,lexPatSep
if has("folding")
 syn region  lexPatTagZoneStart matchgroup=lexPatTag	fold	start='{' end='}'	contained contains=lexPat,lexPatComment
 syn region lexPatComment	start="\s\+/\*" end="\*/"	fold	skipnl	contained contains=cTodo skipwhite nextgroup=lexPatComment,lexPat,@Spell
 syn region  lexPatTagZoneStart matchgroup=lexPatTag		start='{' end='}'	contained contains=lexPat,lexPatComment
 syn region lexPatComment	start="\s\+/\*" end="\*/"		skipnl	contained contains=cTodo skipwhite nextgroup=lexPatComment,lexPat,@Spell
syn match  lexPatCodeLine	".*$"					contained contains=ALLBUT,@lexListGroup
syn match  lexMorePat	"\s*|\s*$"			skipnl	contained nextgroup=lexPat,lexPatTag,lexPatComment
syn match  lexPatSep	"\s\+"					contained nextgroup=lexMorePat,lexPatCode,lexPatCodeLine
syn match  lexSlashQuote	+\(\\\\\)*\\"+				contained
if has("folding")
 syn region lexPatCode matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}"	fold	skipnl contained contains=ALLBUT,@lexListPatCodeGroup
 syn region lexPatCode matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" end="}"		skipnl contained contains=ALLBUT,@lexListPatCodeGroup

syn keyword lexCFunctions	BEGIN	input	unput	woutput	yyleng	yylook	yytext
syn keyword lexCFunctions	ECHO	output	winput	wunput	yyless	yymore	yywrap

" <c.vim> includes several ALLBUTs; these have to be treated so as to exclude lex* groups
syn cluster cParenGroup	add=lex.*
syn cluster cDefineGroup	add=lex.*
syn cluster cPreProcGroup	add=lex.*
syn cluster cMultiGroup	add=lex.*

" Synchronization
syn sync clear
syn sync minlines=300
syn sync match lexSyncPat	grouphere  lexPatBlock	"^%[a-zA-Z]"
syn sync match lexSyncPat	groupthere lexPatBlock	"^<$"
syn sync match lexSyncPat	groupthere lexPatBlock	"^%%$"

" The default highlighting.
hi def link lexAbbrvComment	lexPatComment
hi def link lexBrace	lexPat
hi def link lexPatTagZone	lexPatTag
hi def link lexSlashQuote	lexPat

hi def link lexAbbrvRegExp	Macro
hi def link lexAbbrv	SpecialChar
hi def link lexCFunctions	Function
hi def link lexMorePat	SpecialChar
hi def link lexOptions	PreProc
hi def link lexPatComment	Comment
hi def link lexPat		Function
hi def link lexPatString	Function
hi def link lexPatTag	Special
hi def link lexSep		Delimiter
hi def link lexStartState	Statement

let b:current_syntax = "lex"

" vim:ts=10