1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: mlir
3 " Maintainer: The MLIR team, http://github.com/tensorflow/mlir/
4 " Version: $Revision$
5 " Some parts adapted from the LLVM vim syntax file.
7 if version < 600
8 syntax clear
9 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
10 finish
11 endif
13 syn case match
15 " Types.
16 syn keyword mlirType index f16 f32 f64
17 " Integer type.
18 syn match mlirType /\<i\d\+\>/
20 " Elemental types inside memref, tensor, or vector types.
21 syn match mlirType /x\s*\zs\(f16\|f32\|f64\|i\d\+\)/
23 " Shaped types.
24 syn match mlirType /\<memref\ze\s*<.*>/
25 syn match mlirType /\<tensor\ze\s*<.*>/
26 syn match mlirType /\<vector\ze\s*<.*>/
28 " vector types inside memref or tensor.
29 syn match mlirType /x\s*\zsvector/
31 " Operations.
32 " Core ops (not exhaustive yet).
33 " TODO: the list is not exhaustive.
34 syn keyword mlirOps alloc alloca addf addi call call_indirect cmpi constant
35 syn keyword mlirOps dealloc divf dma_start dma_wait dim extract_element
36 syn keyword mlirOps getTensor index_cast load memref_cast memref_shape_cast
37 syn keyword mlirOps mulf muli prefetch sitofp splat store select subf subi
38 syn keyword mlirOps subview tensor_cast view
40 " Affine ops.
41 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.apply\>/
42 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.dma_start\>/
43 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.dma_wait\>/
44 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.for\>/
45 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.if\>/
46 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.load\>/
47 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.prefetch\>/
48 syn match mlirOps /\<affine\.store\>/
49 syn match mlirOps /\<loop\.for\>/
50 syn match mlirOps /\<loop\.if\>/
52 " TODO: dialect name prefixed ops (llvm or std).
54 " Keywords.
55 syn keyword mlirKeyword
56 \ dense
57 \ else
58 \ func
59 \ module
60 \ return
61 \ step
62 \ to
64 " Misc syntax.
66 syn match mlirNumber /-\?\<\d\+\>/
67 " Match numbers even in shaped types.
68 syn match mlirNumber /-\?\<\d\+\ze\s*x/
69 syn match mlirNumber /x\s*\zs-\?\d\+\ze\s*x/
71 syn match mlirFloat /-\?\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\d\+\)\?\>/
72 syn match mlirFloat /\<0x\x\+\>/
73 syn keyword mlirBoolean true false
74 syn match mlirComment /\/\/.*$/
75 syn region mlirString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
76 syn match mlirLabel /[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*:/
77 syn match mlirIdentifier /[%@][a-zA-Z$._-][a-zA-Z0-9$._-]*/
78 syn match mlirIdentifier /[%@!]\d\+\>/
79 syn match mlirMapSetOutline "#.*$"
81 " Syntax-highlight lit test commands and bug numbers.
82 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*RUN:.*$/
83 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*CHECK:.*$/
84 syn match mlirSpecialComment "\v\/\/\s*CHECK-(NEXT|NOT|DAG|SAME|LABEL):.*$"
85 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*expected-error.*$/
86 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*expected-remark.*$/
87 syn match mlirSpecialComment /;\s*XFAIL:.*$/
88 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*PR\d*\s*$/
89 syn match mlirSpecialComment /\/\/\s*REQUIRES:.*$/
91 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
92 if version < 508
93 let did_c_syn_inits = 1
94 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
95 else
96 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
97 endif
99 HiLink mlirType Type
100 HiLink mlirOps Statement
101 HiLink mlirMapSetOutline PreProc
102 HiLink mlirNumber Number
103 HiLink mlirComment Comment
104 HiLink mlirString String
105 HiLink mlirLabel Label
106 HiLink mlirKeyword Keyword
107 HiLink mlirBoolean Boolean
108 HiLink mlirFloat Float
109 HiLink mlirConstant Constant
110 HiLink mlirSpecialComment SpecialComment
111 HiLink mlirIdentifier Identifier
113 delcommand HiLink
114 endif
116 let b:current_syntax = "mlir"