1 !===-- module/ieee_arithmetic.f90 ------------------------------------------===!
2 !
3 ! Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 ! See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 ! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 !
7 !===------------------------------------------------------------------------===!
9 ! See Fortran 2018, clause 17.2
10 module ieee_arithmetic
12 use __Fortran_builtins, only: &
13 ieee_is_nan => __builtin_ieee_is_nan, &
14 ieee_selected_real_kind => __builtin_ieee_selected_real_kind, &
15 ieee_support_datatype => __builtin_ieee_support_datatype, &
16 ieee_support_denormal => __builtin_ieee_support_denormal, &
17 ieee_support_divide => __builtin_ieee_support_divide, &
18 ieee_support_inf => __builtin_ieee_support_inf, &
19 ieee_support_io => __builtin_ieee_support_io, &
20 ieee_support_nan => __builtin_ieee_support_nan, &
21 ieee_support_sqrt => __builtin_ieee_support_sqrt, &
22 ieee_support_standard => __builtin_ieee_support_standard, &
23 ieee_support_subnormal => __builtin_ieee_support_subnormal, &
24 ieee_support_underflow_control => __builtin_ieee_support_underflow_control
26 implicit none
28 type :: ieee_class_type
29 private
30 integer(kind=1) :: which = 0
31 end type ieee_class_type
33 type(ieee_class_type), parameter :: &
34 ieee_signaling_nan = ieee_class_type(1), &
35 ieee_quiet_nan = ieee_class_type(2), &
36 ieee_negative_inf = ieee_class_type(3), &
37 ieee_negative_normal = ieee_class_type(4), &
38 ieee_negative_denormal = ieee_class_type(5), &
39 ieee_negative_zero = ieee_class_type(6), &
40 ieee_positive_zero = ieee_class_type(7), &
41 ieee_positive_subnormal = ieee_class_type(8), &
42 ieee_positive_normal = ieee_class_type(9), &
43 ieee_positive_inf = ieee_class_type(10), &
44 ieee_other_value = ieee_class_type(11)
46 type(ieee_class_type), parameter :: &
47 ieee_negative_subnormal = ieee_negative_denormal, &
48 ieee_positive_denormal = ieee_negative_subnormal
50 type :: ieee_round_type
51 private
52 integer(kind=1) :: mode = 0
53 end type ieee_round_type
55 type(ieee_round_type), parameter :: &
56 ieee_nearest = ieee_round_type(1), &
57 ieee_to_zero = ieee_round_type(2), &
58 ieee_up = ieee_round_type(3), &
59 ieee_down = ieee_round_type(4), &
60 ieee_away = ieee_round_type(5), &
61 ieee_other = ieee_round_type(6)
63 interface operator(==)
64 module procedure class_eq
65 module procedure round_eq
66 end interface operator(==)
67 interface operator(/=)
68 module procedure class_ne
69 module procedure round_ne
70 end interface operator(/=)
71 private :: class_eq, class_ne, round_eq, round_ne
73 ! See Fortran 2018, 17.10 & 17.11
74 generic :: ieee_class => ieee_class_a2, ieee_class_a3, ieee_class_a4, ieee_class_a8, ieee_class_a10, ieee_class_a16
75 private :: ieee_class_a2, ieee_class_a3, ieee_class_a4, ieee_class_a8, ieee_class_a10, ieee_class_a16
77 generic :: ieee_copy_sign => ieee_copy_sign_a2, ieee_copy_sign_a3, ieee_copy_sign_a4, ieee_copy_sign_a8, ieee_copy_sign_a10, ieee_copy_sign_a16
78 private :: ieee_copy_sign_a2, ieee_copy_sign_a3, ieee_copy_sign_a4, ieee_copy_sign_a8, ieee_copy_sign_a10, ieee_copy_sign_a16
80 generic :: ieee_is_finite => ieee_is_finite_a2, ieee_is_finite_a3, ieee_is_finite_a4, ieee_is_finite_a8, ieee_is_finite_a10, ieee_is_finite_a16
81 private :: ieee_is_finite_a2, ieee_is_finite_a3, ieee_is_finite_a4, ieee_is_finite_a8, ieee_is_finite_a10, ieee_is_finite_a16
83 generic :: ieee_rem => &
84 ieee_rem_a2_a2, ieee_rem_a2_a3, ieee_rem_a2_a4, ieee_rem_a2_a8, ieee_rem_a2_a10, ieee_rem_a2_a16, &
85 ieee_rem_a3_a2, ieee_rem_a3_a3, ieee_rem_a3_a4, ieee_rem_a3_a8, ieee_rem_a3_a10, ieee_rem_a3_a16, &
86 ieee_rem_a4_a2, ieee_rem_a4_a3, ieee_rem_a4_a4, ieee_rem_a4_a8, ieee_rem_a4_a10, ieee_rem_a4_a16, &
87 ieee_rem_a8_a2, ieee_rem_a8_a3, ieee_rem_a8_a4, ieee_rem_a8_a8, ieee_rem_a8_a10, ieee_rem_a8_a16, &
88 ieee_rem_a10_a2, ieee_rem_a10_a3, ieee_rem_a10_a4, ieee_rem_a10_a8, ieee_rem_a10_a10, ieee_rem_a10_a16, &
89 ieee_rem_a16_a2, ieee_rem_a16_a3, ieee_rem_a16_a4, ieee_rem_a16_a8, ieee_rem_a16_a10, ieee_rem_a16_a16
90 private :: &
91 ieee_rem_a2_a2, ieee_rem_a2_a3, ieee_rem_a2_a4, ieee_rem_a2_a8, ieee_rem_a2_a10, ieee_rem_a2_a16, &
92 ieee_rem_a3_a2, ieee_rem_a3_a3, ieee_rem_a3_a4, ieee_rem_a3_a8, ieee_rem_a3_a10, ieee_rem_a3_a16, &
93 ieee_rem_a4_a2, ieee_rem_a4_a3, ieee_rem_a4_a4, ieee_rem_a4_a8, ieee_rem_a4_a10, ieee_rem_a4_a16, &
94 ieee_rem_a8_a2, ieee_rem_a8_a3, ieee_rem_a8_a4, ieee_rem_a8_a8, ieee_rem_a8_a10, ieee_rem_a8_a16, &
95 ieee_rem_a10_a2, ieee_rem_a10_a3, ieee_rem_a10_a4, ieee_rem_a10_a8, ieee_rem_a10_a10, ieee_rem_a10_a16, &
96 ieee_rem_a16_a2, ieee_rem_a16_a3, ieee_rem_a16_a4, ieee_rem_a16_a8, ieee_rem_a16_a10, ieee_rem_a16_a16
98 generic :: ieee_support_rounding => ieee_support_rounding_, &
99 ieee_support_rounding_2, ieee_support_rounding_3, &
100 ieee_support_rounding_4, ieee_support_rounding_8, &
101 ieee_support_rounding_10, ieee_support_rounding_16
102 private :: ieee_support_rounding_, &
103 ieee_support_rounding_2, ieee_support_rounding_3, &
104 ieee_support_rounding_4, ieee_support_rounding_8, &
105 ieee_support_rounding_10, ieee_support_rounding_16
107 ! TODO: more interfaces (_fma, &c.)
109 private :: classify
111 contains
113 elemental logical function class_eq(x,y)
114 type(ieee_class_type), intent(in) :: x, y
115 class_eq = x%which == y%which
116 end function class_eq
118 elemental logical function class_ne(x,y)
119 type(ieee_class_type), intent(in) :: x, y
120 class_ne = x%which /= y%which
121 end function class_ne
123 elemental logical function round_eq(x,y)
124 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: x, y
125 round_eq = x%mode == y%mode
126 end function round_eq
128 elemental logical function round_ne(x,y)
129 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: x, y
130 round_ne = x%mode /= y%mode
131 end function round_ne
133 elemental type(ieee_class_type) function classify( &
134 expo,maxExpo,negative,significandNZ,quietBit)
135 integer, intent(in) :: expo, maxExpo
136 logical, intent(in) :: negative, significandNZ, quietBit
137 if (expo == 0) then
138 if (significandNZ) then
139 if (negative) then
140 classify = ieee_negative_denormal
141 else
142 classify = ieee_positive_denormal
143 end if
144 else
145 if (negative) then
146 classify = ieee_negative_zero
147 else
148 classify = ieee_positive_zero
149 end if
150 end if
151 else if (expo == maxExpo) then
152 if (significandNZ) then
153 if (quietBit) then
154 classify = ieee_quiet_nan
155 else
156 classify = ieee_signaling_nan
157 end if
158 else
159 if (negative) then
160 classify = ieee_negative_inf
161 else
162 classify = ieee_positive_inf
163 end if
164 end if
165 else
166 if (negative) then
167 classify = ieee_negative_normal
168 else
169 classify = ieee_positive_normal
170 end if
171 end if
172 end function classify
175 type(ieee_class_type) elemental function ieee_class_a##RKIND(x); \
176 real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x; \
177 integer(kind=IKIND) :: raw; \
178 integer, parameter :: significand = PREC - IMPLICIT; \
179 integer, parameter :: exponentBits = TOTALBITS - 1 - significand; \
180 integer, parameter :: maxExpo = shiftl(1, exponentBits) - 1; \
181 integer :: exponent, sign; \
182 logical :: negative, nzSignificand, quiet; \
183 raw = transfer(x, raw); \
184 exponent = ibits(raw, significand, exponentBits); \
185 negative = btest(raw, TOTALBITS - 1); \
186 nzSignificand = ibits(raw, 0, significand) /= 0; \
187 quiet = btest(raw, significand - 1); \
188 ieee_class_a##RKIND = classify(exponent, maxExpo, negative, nzSignificand, quiet); \
189 end function ieee_class_a##RKIND
190 _CLASSIFY(2,2,16,11,1)
191 _CLASSIFY(3,2,16,8,1)
192 _CLASSIFY(4,4,32,24,1)
193 _CLASSIFY(8,8,64,53,1)
194 _CLASSIFY(10,16,80,64,0)
195 _CLASSIFY(16,16,128,112,1)
196 #undef _CLASSIFY
198 ! TODO: This might need to be an actual Operation instead
200 real(kind=RKIND) elemental function ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND(x,y); \
201 real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x, y; \
202 integer(kind=IKIND) :: xbits, ybits; \
203 xbits = transfer(x, xbits); \
204 ybits = transfer(y, ybits); \
205 xbits = ior(ibclr(xbits, BITS-1), iand(ybits, shiftl(1_##IKIND, BITS-1))); \
206 ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND = transfer(xbits, x); \
207 end function ieee_copy_sign_a##RKIND
208 _COPYSIGN(2,2,16)
209 _COPYSIGN(3,2,16)
210 _COPYSIGN(4,4,32)
211 _COPYSIGN(8,8,64)
212 _COPYSIGN(10,16,80)
213 _COPYSIGN(16,16,128)
214 #undef _COPYSIGN
216 #define _IS_FINITE(KIND) \
217 elemental function ieee_is_finite_a##KIND(x) result(res); \
218 real(kind=KIND), intent(in) :: x; \
219 logical :: res; \
220 type(ieee_class_type) :: classification; \
221 classification = ieee_class(x); \
222 res = classification == ieee_negative_zero .or. classification == ieee_positive_zero \
223 .or. classification == ieee_negative_denormal .or. classification == ieee_positive_denormal \
224 .or. classification == ieee_negative_normal .or. classification == ieee_positive_normal; \
225 end function
226 _IS_FINITE(2)
227 _IS_FINITE(3)
228 _IS_FINITE(4)
229 _IS_FINITE(8)
230 _IS_FINITE(10)
231 _IS_FINITE(16)
232 #undef _IS_FINITE
234 ! TODO: handle edge cases from 17.11.31
235 #define _REM(XKIND,YKIND) \
236 elemental function ieee_rem_a##XKIND##_a##YKIND(x, y) result(res); \
237 real(kind=XKIND), intent(in) :: x; \
238 real(kind=YKIND), intent(in) :: y; \
239 integer, parameter :: rkind = max(XKIND, YKIND); \
240 real(kind=rkind) :: res, tmp; \
241 tmp = anint(real(x, kind=rkind) / y); \
242 res = x - y * tmp; \
243 end function
244 _REM(2,2)
245 _REM(2,3)
246 _REM(2,4)
247 _REM(2,8)
248 _REM(2,10)
249 _REM(2,16)
250 _REM(3,2)
251 _REM(3,3)
252 _REM(3,4)
253 _REM(3,8)
254 _REM(3,10)
255 _REM(3,16)
256 _REM(4,2)
257 _REM(4,3)
258 _REM(4,4)
259 _REM(4,8)
260 _REM(4,10)
261 _REM(4,16)
262 _REM(8,2)
263 _REM(8,3)
264 _REM(8,4)
265 _REM(8,8)
266 _REM(8,10)
267 _REM(8,16)
268 _REM(10,2)
269 _REM(10,3)
270 _REM(10,4)
271 _REM(10,8)
272 _REM(10,10)
273 _REM(10,16)
274 _REM(16,2)
275 _REM(16,3)
276 _REM(16,4)
277 _REM(16,8)
278 _REM(16,10)
279 _REM(16,16)
280 #undef _REM
282 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_(round_type)
283 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
284 ieee_support_rounding_ = .true.
285 end function
286 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_2(round_type,x)
287 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
288 real(kind=2), intent(in) :: x
289 ieee_support_rounding_2 = .true.
290 end function
291 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_3(round_type,x)
292 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
293 real(kind=3), intent(in) :: x
294 ieee_support_rounding_3 = .true.
295 end function
296 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_4(round_type,x)
297 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
298 real(kind=4), intent(in) :: x
299 ieee_support_rounding_4 = .true.
300 end function
301 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_8(round_type,x)
302 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
303 real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x
304 ieee_support_rounding_8 = .true.
305 end function
306 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_10(round_type,x)
307 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
308 real(kind=10), intent(in) :: x
309 ieee_support_rounding_10 = .true.
310 end function
311 pure logical function ieee_support_rounding_16(round_type,x)
312 type(ieee_round_type), intent(in) :: round_type
313 real(kind=16), intent(in) :: x
314 ieee_support_rounding_16 = .true.
315 end function
317 end module ieee_arithmetic